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THE NEXT morning, Jenessa expected Paige to be lying next to her asleep, but instead the bed was empty.

Immediately, deja vu dawned on her and she felt her heart begin to hurt. Taking one last good look of the room and the smell of the pillow where Paiges head previously laid before she untangled herself from the blankets and left.

They had practice, but at 4pm. JJ decided to make some waffles and iced coffee for herself, she threw the frozen waffles in the toaster and pulled out her caramel macchiato carton from the fridge, along with some whipped cream and caramel drizzle.

By the time she finished, her waffles popped. She put some butter on them then plopped on the couch to eat. The dorm was quiet, peacefully quiet.

Jenessa could hear the faint sound of birds chirping outside the window, and threw a blanket over her legs and lap.

Once she finished eating, she wandered into her room and sat down at her desk, sipping on the coffee as her laptop loaded up.

incoming call from sista4life 🩷

JJ clicked accept and Caitlins face popped up on the screen, she smiled and placed her phone against a stack of books.

"CC! Hi! I feel like we haven't talked in forever." A big grin prominent on her face. "I know, I know. It's hard when we're both so busy." The Iowa girl sighed, scratched her head.

"Good thing you called actually...there's a lot to tell you." Jenessa continued, her smile turning into a frown as she remembered last night and mornings events.

"Oh babe, what happened." Caitlins voice was full of worry. "Well, we went to watch a horror movie. Me, Azzi, Nika, Paige, and KK. It was super gorey and I got grossed out and almost puked. But Paige held my hand the whole movie and followed me to the bathroom when I ran out, THEN she called an uber for us and took us back to the dorm." Jenessa's voice was quick as she recalled the night. But Caitlin easily kept up, used to the way her best friend spoke.

"Sounds like you two had a good night! Im super happy for you Nessa, but why'd you frown and shit?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. JJ sighed, a groan leaving her lips.

"Just when I thought things might be able to go back to how they were, but better obviously... She let me sleep in her bed last night cause I get scared right?" Caitlin nodded at this. "Well, we cuddled, I fell asleep on her chest, and when I woke up this morning- gone. It was like I was 16 all over again. Complete fucking deja vu Cait. Im pissed and I'm hurt." Jenessa curled up in her chair, resting her head on her knee.

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now