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THE DAY had finally come, the season opener game was tonight. The girls were all on the bus waiting since it was an away game.

"Alright girls, we'll be leaving in 5 minutes. Make sure you all have everything you need and get psyched up. This game will set everything in place for the rest of the season, so let's win it yeah?" Geno's loud voice echoed around the bus. His last sentence causing an eruption of cheers and applause from the team.

Jenessa was sat next to Nika, near the back of the bus. She had one airpod in and was curled up in her seat. "You're lucky I love you JJ." The Croatian girl laughed. "What?" Jenessa furrowed her brows, confused. "The window seat, next time I get it." She continued and Jenessa made an 'ohhh' sound and nodded with a smile. Bumping their shoulders together.

"You nervous?" Nika asked, turning her body to face the girl. "Its my first game as a Uconn player, and my first game since my injury. Im so excited but extremely nervous, yeah. I just dont want to make a fool of myself, if I fail tonight, the media's words will have been right." Jenessa confided in Nika, knowing the older girl always had great advice and knew how to comfort JJ. Which was one of the many reasons Jenessa loved her with her whole heart.

"JJ, you're going to do great, you're a demon under pressure! We are all nervous, and its normal. But the second we step foot on that court and that buzzer sounds, all of it washes away. We've got your back, thats what teams are for. Even if you mess up, we will be there. And the media's wrong, Jenessa Jayde is a force to be reckoned with." Nika wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. Jenessa rested her head against Nika and smiled, her heart warming at the kind words.

After about 30 minutes, their bus came to a stop, all the girls collecting their stuff and hopping off the bus.

Once they entered the gym, they immediately went into game mode. Warming up, stretching, a tense atmosphere surrounding them. They watched as the stands slowly filled with students from Dayton and Uconn, along with parents and teachers, a season opener game being one of the most popular.

The girls were doing a shooting drill, when Geno called them all over. They jogged to the benches, grabbing their water bottles. "Game starts in 5, you all ready?" Geno asked and everyone nodded. "Alright, we're gonna start with Nika, Paige, Aaliyah, Jenessa, and KK." Everyone cheered and pat the girls on their backs with smiles.

Geno pulled JJ and Paige to the side, both feeling a bit confused at the action. "You two are our secret weapon, no one's seen you play together since you were teenagers. And the bond's only gotten better, however we cant let them know this early on. Especially since if everyone knows you two have that connection on the court, teams in the future will tear you apart, making your plays unusable. So I want you to keep it a secret, use it wisely. And make sure they fly under the radar, I also want to make sure you both are feeling up to this, neither of you are in pain?" He stands with his arms crossed, examining the two.

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now