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THEY HAD won against Maryland and Minnesota, Paige and Jenessa were on good terms, friendly. And you could tell on the court that the two's relationship had gotten better.

The team was now headed to the Cayman Islands to play against UCLA and Kansas. "Alright girls, the flight will be around 3 hours, game tomorrow against UCLA so rest up once we are at the hotel, you've been paired up already and ill let you know which rooms you are in once we've arrived." Geno spoke after they had finally gotten through security.

They arrived 2 hours before their flight and security took 30 minutes, so once they got to the gate all the girls went off to go get coffee or snacks.

"I want starbies." Jenessa whined while poking at Nika who didnt want to get up. "Im so comfy though, and I barely slept last night." The brunette nestled herself deeper into the seat. "Exactly, coffee will wake you up." JJ retaliated, but Nika just shoved her in response.

"Cmon JJ, let's go get your starbucks." Paige said from behind the two, Jenessa turned her head a bit confused before seeing Paige begin to walk off in the direction of the coffee shop, making her immediately bounce up and chase after the blonde. "Get me my cold brew please!" Nika yelled and JJ laughed before flipping her off.

Jenessa caught up to Paige and the two walked for about 3 minutes and got in line. "You nervous?" The brunette asked. "To order coffee? No?" Paige cluelessly furrowed her eyebrows. "Noah you idiot, for the games!" Jenessa laughed and shoved the taller girl. "Oh-" Paige slapped her hands over her face in embarrassment. "Not really, I just hope we do well." She continued.

"We will, we've got the legendary P boogers on our team." JJ teased and Paige gasped. "Aight, aight. Thats foul." The two giggled and talked until they got up to the register.

"Hi! Can I get a grande vanilla sweet cream cold brew with light ice and a venti salted caramel cream cold brew, light ice as well please." The brunette smiled at the cashier as she nodded along with the order. "That'll be 12 dollars."

Jenessa popped open her phone case to grab her card but heard the ding noise and looked up confused, only to see Paige pulling her card away from the machine. "You're welcome." She winked before giving the cashier her own order.

Jenessa stood off the side with her hands in her sweatpants pockets, waiting for Paige to finish. "What was that about?" She asked. "I paid for your coffee, thats what." Paige laughed. "Well duh, but why?" Jenessa rolled her eyes playfully. "Because I wanted to, and why should a pretty girl like you be paying for her own coffee."

JJ felt her face go pink at her words and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Nika's paying me back though." Paige switched the topic, thinking Jenessa felt awkward.

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now