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WHEN JENESSA woke up, she heard voices coming from the living room. Stretching and quietly groaning as her body cracks a few too many times then it should.

She rolled over and checked the time off her phone, 10:48am. She had a late night, studying for a test in her anatomy class.

JJ pushed herself out of bed, despite how badly she wanted to just rot in the warm comfort all day. She was about to leave her room when she realized all her outfit consisted of was an oversized t-shirt and a thong.

Quickly pulling on her adidas navy blue track pants and a white hoodie. When she walked into the living room, Jenessa saw Paige, Azzi, Nika and KK on the couch and floor.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Azzi exclaimed, clearly a morning person. Jenessa whined, putting her hood over her head before curling up on the couch next to Nika, head resting on her shoulder.

"Long night?" The Croatian asked sweetly, comfortingly rubbing the grumpy girls knee. "Mhm, anatomy test at the end of the week." She yawned, nestling her head deeper into Nikas neck.

When she opened her eyes, she was met with Paiges piercing blue ones staring back at her, practically choking on her breath when she examined the girl.

Paige had her hair down and natural, waves prominent, a pair of basketball shorts on her lower half and a Uconn hoodie on top. Paige looked absolutely gorgeous, her delicate face basically glowing in the morning light coming through the blinds.

The two zoned out the others conversation, but Jenessa was forced to snap out of it when Nika shrugged her shoulder, JJ sat up. "Sorry, whats up?" She asked.

"Well, KK and I want to go to Chick-fil-a for lunch, Azzi wants to go to Canes." Nika re-explained. Jenessa thought for a moment, debating between the two.

"Canes." She said and Azzi cheered, high-fiving her. JJ giggled at the girls ecstatic reaction. "Hell no, chick-fil-a!" Paige whined.

"Three against two, we win!" KK jumped up, flipping off Azzi and Nessa jokingly. They both groaned and everyone stood up as well. All of them dressed comfortably, knowing damn well they're going through the drive-thru, no one cared to change.

After ordering their food, Nika paid as she was the one driving. But everyone quickly sent her money afterwards. "Thanks mom!" JJ teased as the Croatian passed a bag to the back.

All the others agree and in unison, beginning to call Nika "mom."

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now