Part 5

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We returned back to the Bridgerton home and headed to the living room/ main salon area.

"Daphne, do you mind helping me with some things?" I asked Daphne

"Of course. What is it that you need?" she replied.

"If I am going to blend into your society I have some questions about edict..." I replied, on the carriage ride back to the house I couldn't help thinking how little I actually knew about this world. I have to learn in order to keep my promise to Anthony, I will not cause a scandal.

"Well lucky for you I am the diamond of this season. There is no better person to ask I assure you" Daphne replied enthusiastically.

"The diamond?" I repeated quizzically. God there is so much I need to learn.

Daphne sighed "There is clearly a lot to tell you then"

Daphne then explained what she deemed the basics of edict. How to curtsy, to address people and that I can never refuse a dance from a gentleman. That part particularly stood out to me as I am sure that me hitting the macarena on the dance floor won't go down as well here than 2024.

Just as I was about to ask Daphne to teach me a few dances a messenger enter.
"Miss Daphne, you have a caller" he said

"Apologies Y/N but I must entertain this gentleman you can stay here while I do so,  if you would like" Daphne said, nodding to the messenger. I picked up on the vibe that a caller meant that there was a guy here to see her so I stood up to leave. I think it would be a little weird just sitting there while some guy flirts with her.

"No worries, I have some things that I wanted to do" I said, leaving the room. Now I just have to think of something to do... I remembered walking past a library looking room maybe I could find a book on the dances of this era. I just really don't want to embarrass myself at the dance tonight, I'm sure I can figure something out from a book. I hope it has pictures at least. 

I made my way to the door of the library and gently pushed it open, poking my head in. When I looked in I saw Anthony seated at a desk looking over some papers. Oops this is not a library, its a study.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to barge in on you when I walked past it yesterday and thought it was a library" I said looking around the books.

"What did I say about apologizing Miss L/N. The library is 3 doors down. Were you looking for anything particular? Perhaps I can help." Anthony asked. Gosh he looks so good sitting at that desk, his shirt rolled up at his elbows showing his forearms. He continued to look as me expectantly. Oh yeah I need to respond, god Y/N get it together.

"I was hoping to find a book on dancing" I explained

"Is that where your passions lie, in dance?"

"no I just... well I don't know how to dance and I am scared about being embarrassed in front of everyone"

"Do people not dance where you are from?" He asked seeming shocked

"Of course they do I'm not from that town in footloose!" I joked 

"I beg your pardon" Anthony said seeming confused. God my humor is so lost here.

"Its a um play? where i am from ... so books on dance?"  I tried to get back on topic as I still don't know how to explain movies and TV shows.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now