Part 10

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I calmed myself down after my near kiss with Anthony and made my way out of my room. Where is everyone, I'm bored now I need some entertainment. I heard Eloise and Daphne's voices coming from a near by room so I knocked onto the door.

"Who is it?" Daphne called


I heard some movement from the other side of the door before it swung open revealing Eloise.

"Come in, come in" she said ushering me in. I took in the scene, Daphne was on some pedastil in a fancy dress and Violet was doting on her.

"You look nice, where  are you off to?" I asked before plopping myself down on the couch near where she was standing.

"Y/n, we thought you were in your room readying yourself?! Why are you not dressed?" Violet said suddenly very panicked.

"Dressed for what?" I said confused.

"For tonight's ball of course!" Daphne said, catching my eye in the mirror.

"What do you mean there's another ball tonight?! We literally just had one! Is this all you guys do? What about your jobs??" I exclaimed, how can this be someone's life having a party every night.

"Y/n it's the ball season" Daphne reminded me "and besides we are women we don't work"

"Ugh yeah I forgot about that. What a boring life, being force to have zero aspirations besides marriage" I scoffed. Having the soul goal to get married is fine by me as long as the person has been given the opportunity to do something else. Marriage should be a choice, not an obligation.

"Do you mean to say that in the future women can work?" Eloise asked, while joining me on the couch. She was clearly very interested in the women of the future. Daphne and Violet went back to fussing over Daphne's accessories.

"Of course. Women can do anything in the future; we vote, we work, we can choose not to get married, we kiss whoever we want whenever we want, including other women. It's a mostly free world" I explained.

"Women kissing women?!!!" She whisper shouted at me "AND VOTING!? Really?" Eloise asked tearing up. Yikes I didn't mean to make her cry or anything.

"Umm yeah. I mean it's definitely not perfect for women, we still are in a constant battle to get paid the same as men and walking alone at night isn't fun but yea its definitely a lot better then it is now"

"How did it happen? How did it change so much?" She asked grabbing onto my hands.

"Through the force of some incredibly brave and strong women, just like you." I said giving her hands a light squeeze. "They fought hard for the women of the future."

"D-did you have a job?" She said clearly having a million questions.

"Not a serious one, I was just working in retail. I just sold readymade clothing. But I was at university, so I could get a proper job" I explained. God that's one thing I am grateful for about being here, no more retail hell.

"You were at university!? What were you studying?"

"I was doing a double major in immunology and biochemistry" I explained. God I hope if I end up returning home that I haven't missed any assignments. And that I still remember all the content...

"What is that? Immunology?" She asked pronouncing it slightly wrong. God how do I even begin to explain this.

"Umm well, think of your body as a fortress, and germs as invaders trying to breach its walls. Immunology is like the strategy your body uses to defend itself against these invaders, using soldiers called white blood cells and special tactics like antibodies to fight off sickness and keep you healthy. Does that make sense?" That's how I explained it to my youngest sister when she was a lot younger.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now