Part 6

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I sat in front of the vanity, having my hair pulled in what felt like all directions by Rose, while she was doing that another maid was tending to my make up. I'm pretty  sure i once read that old make up had some really bad stuff in it, like lead?? I am not sure how I feel about this stuff on my skin, but I must admit that I am enjoying having someone else to my make up for once it makes me feel like a princess. 

After my hair and makeup was done I was put in another one of Daphne's dresses as the first of mine won't be ready until at least tomorrow. This dress was a dark blue with light blue flowers stitched onto it. It was absolutely beautiful, I can't believe I get to wear this.  I looked at myself in the full body mirror, I look amazing. Apart from the hair in one curl on my shoulder, I'm not quite sure how I feel about this trend... Ok, time to go I guess.

I rode in the carriage with Daphne and Violet, while the boys rode in a separate one. It was definitely a weird vibe when I left my room, all the Bridgertons were sharing looks and gesturing at me while Anthony just stared. I hope it's not because they are reconsidering taking me in, that would not be great at all. We then had to take little boats to the place where the ball was being held.

The ball was spectacle of luxury, it was outside and the weather was perfect. Crystal glasses clinking, and the sound of a string quartet fills the air, adding to the ambiance. The dance floor was on some sort of stage and fire lit up the area. Violet then informed me that we needed to greet the queen. Panic seized me. Why did we have to greet the queen? Oh my goodness, what on earth do I say? Do I say anything at all? Just as my mind spun with questions, Anthony caught my eye and offered a subtle smile and a nod of encouragement, and somehow the panic subsided.

We approached the queen and she inquired why I had not been presented to her at the start of the season.

"Apologies, Your Majesty," I stammered, "it was my intention to arrive in time to present myself to you, however, my carriage encountered some troubles on the journey." I said getting ahold of myself.

"Well, Miss Daphne should count herself lucky," the queen remarked cryptically.

Confused by her response, I simply smiled and curtsied once more. 

"Shall we put your dance lessons to the test?" Anthony asked with a cheeky smile on his face, his hand outstretched towards me 

In the shimmering glow of the candlelit ballroom, the strains of a waltz floated through the air, casting a spell of enchantment over the assembled guests. Amidst the swirling sea of dancers, I found myself drawn into Anthony's orbit, his outstretched hand an invitation I couldn't resist.

"Who am I to say no to you Lord Bridgerton?" I smiled

As our fingers intertwined, a fleeting spark of electricity passed between us, igniting a sense of anticipation that pulsed with each step we took onto the dance floor. With practiced grace, Anthony guided me through the intricate movements of the waltz, his touch firm yet gentle as we moved in perfect harmony with the music. I am so grateful that he did not attempt any complex moves.

With each twirl and dip, , the space between our bodies filled with an unspoken tension that crackled like static in the air. The world around us faded into insignificance, leaving only the intoxicating rhythm of the music and the magnetic pull of our shared dance.

In that fleeting moment, as we moved as one, I felt as though I had stepped into a dream, where time stood still and every touch, every glance, spoke volumes without the need for words. And as the final notes of the waltz echoed into silence, I found myself longing for just one more dance in Anthony's arms, lost in the intoxicating spell of the ballroom's enchantment. My body craved him.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now