Part 14

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The next day was filled with excitement over the fact that the Berbrooke situation was resolved. The new Whisledown issue had been printed and the word is that Berbrooke is packing up to leave, good job Penelope. By the time the excitement had died down it was dinner time, I sat at the table next to Anthony who was of course at the head of the table. As the conversations between the Bridgertons continues, and I swear I saw some peas being thrown, an idea came to me. I turned to Daphne who was seated on the other side of me and Eloise who was seated across from her. 

"You know what we need?" I asked. 

"What do we need?" Daphne replied. 

"A girls night, you, Eloise and me" I said. "There's no ball tonight and I think we need it after all the drama with Berbrooke"

"What is a girls night" Daphne asked, causing me to open my mouth in shock. 

"Whats a girls night?! How do you not know what a girls night is? We sit around and gossip talking about boys and anything else that comes to mind" I then looked at the other end of the table to make sure that Violet wasn't looking. "We get drunk on wine, its a good time trust me" I whispered the word 'wine'. 

At that Eloise seemed excited "Count me in! It'll be a welcome respite from the endless stream of suitors."

Daphne still seemed doubtful so I gave her a little nudge. "I think it would be helpful for you after all that has happened" I said softly. 

Daphne looked into my eyes for a second more and I sent here an encouraging smile. She then nodded "Alright Y/n, that sounds delightful". This caused a wide smile to spread across my lips, this should be good I'm excited!

"What has you smiling like that?" Anthony asked grabbing my attention. 

"Nothingggg" I said with a cheeky smile causing Anthony to laugh and shake his head. 

After dinner wrapped up I grabbed Eloise and Daphnes hands and we ran out of the room laughing. "Which way is the kitchen?" I asked. 

"This way" Eloise said taking the lead and directing us to the kitchen. Once we got there I set tasks for each of us. 

"Eloise you find all the sweet treats you can, Daphne you get cups and I will sort out the drinks!" We all set off on our tasks, I rounded the corner of the kitchen and found a huge wall of wine. Damn that's crazy I knew these people were rich but fuck me this is a lot. I looked over a few bottles of wine trying to find some bottles of white, I don't really like red wine. I found three bottles of white, grabbed them and returned to the girls. Eloise had a picnic basket in hand and Daphne had three glasses. "Perfect" I said with a smile. 

"Did you take three bottles? Is that not too many?" Daphne asked causing me to laugh. 

"Nah, don't even worry about it. C'mon lets go to my room." We stealthily went to my room, checking each corner before we turned them. Although I'm not sure how sneaky we really were considering we couldn't stop giggling. We eventually made it to my room and I put the bottles on the floor before grabbing pillows off of the couch and some off of my bed placing those on the floor too. I sat on the floor "Come sit, sit!" 

The evening wore on, and my bedroom seemed to shrink in size as the wine continued to flow liberally. Daphne, Eloise, and I found themselves in fits of giggles, our inhibitions loosened by the alcohol.

Daphne, now leaning back comfortably on the sofa with a dreamy smile, raised her glass unsteadily. "To love! May it find us all, even if it's when we least expect it."Eloise scoffed a little but couldn't help joining in "To love".

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