Part 12

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After getting ready for the day in a lavender colour dress I made my way to the dining room for breakfast. I have cooled down a lot overnight and my understanding has grown. If some old idiot came on to one of my sisters when they didn't want it I'd be super pissed. Especially since from the vibes that Im getting it was in a bit of a SA kinda way. I was probably one of the first people he saw after finding out about it. I'm not excusing his behaviour but he seems genuinely sorry about it all and Im really not the kind of person to hold a grudge.

I entered the dining room and as usual there was a large spread for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone" I greeted as I took a seat, everyone chimed back with different variations of that same sentiment. I looked around the table and noticed that Anthony was missing, thats strange I hope he comes so I can tell him that I do forgive him. Just as I thought that Anthony entered the room and took his seat at the head of the table. I watched as his eyes scanned around the table taking in his family. Please look at me. Woah that thought came out of nowhere. I need to get a grip, but also...I agree, please look at me. Finally his eyes met mine. His eyebrows srunched a little and he tilted he head slightly to the side in question. I knew what he was trying to ask, I responded with a nod of my head and a soft smile, of course I forgive him. Relief immediately filled his eyes and he gave me a big smile. I also could've sworn that his posture relaxed just a little bit. Gosh he must have been really worked up over this. Now I feel slightly bad about leaving him feeling guilty for so long, but on the other hand he deserved it.

"Is there anything planned for the day" I asked eager to know the itinerary, I hope theres not another ball today. Although I do find them fun, especially getting ready for it, they are quite repetitive.

"Did Anthony not inform you last night? Today there is a picnic, most of the ton will be in attendance" Violet said, shooting Anthony a look for not telling me.

"Oh, right. My apologies Y/n it slipped my mind that I was to tell you about it" Anthony said shooting me a guilty look.

"No worries at all. Sounds fun! I love a good picnic"

Breakfast continued as usually, me chatting with the Bridgertons and them being absolutely chaotic. Once we all finished eating, Violet told us that we would be leaving for the picnic in about an hour. Everyone started clearing out of the dining room so I quickly caught up with Daphne.

"Daphne, I was hoping to talk to you?" I said softly.

"Certainly, is something wrong?" she asked

"Um could we actually talk in private?" I said looking around at the few straggling Bridgertons (Benedict and Eloise) along with the household staff.

"Yes, I was just on my way to my bed chambers does that sound alright"

"Perfect" I said with a small smile.

I followed her into her elegant room, the soft glow of morning sunlight filtering through the curtains. She took a seat by the window.

"Y/n," Daphne said softly as she turned from the window, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "There's something on your mind, isn't there?"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself to broach the topic. How do I approach this in a comforting way? Time to channel my big sister energy. "Yes, there is. I've been wanting to talk to you about something..."

Her brow furrowed slightly, and a playful glint entered her eyes. "Let me take a guess, Anthony?"

Surprised by her immediate assumption, I chuckled nervously. "No!" I said perhaps a bit too quickly, so I cleared my throat and retried. "Its not about Anthony."

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now