Part 7

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After the light show not much really happened at the ball, apart from a few men who asked me to dance. I was not too happy about that because unlike Anthony they did not go easy, instead I think they were all trying to show off how good of dancers they were, unfortunately leading me to stumble around the dance floor. Thankfully I don't think anyone was really looking at me, not after Daphne made a big display dancing with someone. I don't fully understand why that was so special, but I could tell by the way the crowed erupted into whispers that it was a big drama. Daphne and the guy did seem very cute together, the way that they gazed into each others eyes, how adorable!

Any way we returned to the Bridgerton house but when we walked in the door Anthony grabbed my wrist lightly, holding me back and separating us from his family who preceded to go upstairs.

"Y/n please tell me what I have done to upset you. I keep racking my brain and yet no answer comes" he said his eyes searching mine. He's still holding my hand 

"You haven't done anything" I replied pulling my hand back towards myself 

"Clearly I have done something, since we arrived at the ball you have been cold to me. So tell me what is it I have done. I want to make it right"

"Look, I'm just tired. Today was a lot for me ok. I just want to go to bed" I said faking a yawn. There's no way I can tell him that the reason I am upset with him, is because I ears dropped on one of his conversations and didn't like what I heard. He can fuck whoever he wants it shouldn't matter to me and anyway he's like 214 years older than me... yikes.

He looked at me for a second more then walked away. I stood in the entrance hall watching him go before heading to my room and going to bed.

>Later that night<

There was a loud boom of thunder that felt like it shock the whole house that caused me to wake up from my sleep. Jesus Christ I hope these houses are built well enough to withstand this weather. Another flash of  lightning lit up my room followed by more thunder. God there's no way I can sleep like this, I thought to myself before getting out of bed. Maybe some tea will help settle me, I just need to find the kitchen. I walked out of my room and wondered down the dark hallway, then I heard a noise behind me. I turned around quickly, feeling startled knowing that I was no longer alone. But my racing heart calmed itself after I realized that it was only Hyacinth .

"You gave me a fright" I said clutching at my heart. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" I asked, looking around the hallway to see if there is anyone else lurking in the shadows.

"I could not sleep. Not with the storm" she explained looking down.

"Oh um well when my little sister can't sleep I tell her stories while rubbing her back. Do you want to try that?" I suggested 

"Yes please " she said in a small voice. She then reached out and grabbed my hand and guided me to her room. She then got into her bed, and I sat next to her.

"Have you ever heard about the 12 dancing princesses?" I asked

"No" she said while shaking her head..

"Well, close your eyes and I'll tell you" I said then proceeded to tell her the story of Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses while rubbing her back. It was Kira's favorite movie, she used to watch it on repeat so I know the story inside out.  The more I told the story the more I missed my family, although I moved out of home a year before I was brought here I was still very close to them all. The only reason I moved out was so I could get a degree to get a stable job and have them all move in with me. 

When I got to the part of the story where the duchess discovered the magical land I noticed that Hyacinth was softly snoring. So I slowly stood up, when  I turned around to leave the room I noticed that there was a figure standing in the doorway. I could tell by the my heart rate sped up that it was Anthony standing there. Great, that's exactly what I need while I'm trying to get over him, a late night talk while he's standing there all disheveled.

I quickly and quietly walked towards him, gently nudging him out of the doorframe and then following him out in the hallway.

"Are you spying on me?" I joked, once I closed the door behind me.

"I was in my study and heard voices. I simply wanted to check that everything was alright"

"And after you confirmed that all was well, you stayed in that doorway because...?" I said while raising my eyebrows

"You were good with her" he said instead, completely ignoring my questioning. Rude.

"She reminds me of my youngest sister, Kira. She's also 10 or will be 10 i guess she isn't born yet now " I explained.

"But what you just did, that was more the act of a mother than a sister" he pressed on

"your quite pushy did you know that" he just gave me a stern look, I let out a big sigh.

"if you must know my mum passed away when I was 16. After that my dad became a shell of himself, throwing himself into his work. He. He couldn't even look at my sisters and I, we all look just like her. As the eldest I had to step up and raise them, someone had to be the parent. It was me who soothed their fevers, me who sat at the table helping with homework and me who read them bedtime stories. God I miss them" I trailed off at the end.

"Here" Anthony said, holding out a handkerchief

"What's this for ?" I asked confused

"y/n, your crying" he said softly.

"Oh. Sorry. That's so embarrassing I can't believe I just overshared like that." I said using the handkerchief to dry up my tears but more kept falling "I swear I'm not normally this emotional".

"Stop apologizing" he said exasperated . "And none of what you said is embarrassing. You took on the role that your father should have. What you did was strong, and kind and beautiful."

"It was my duty. I had to"

"I know duty well, that was not her."

We stared into each others eyes, my heart beating faster. God he's so beautiful.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier. About why you are unmarried, I am sure that you could get any women you want and all you'd have to do is shave your sideburns. "

"Thank-wait what is wrong with my sideburns" he asked his eyebrows furrowing as he lifted his hand to his cheeks.

"Well, their a bit much aren't they?"

"They are fashionable"

"Arre theyyy" I said my voice going higher.

"My word you are so rude"

"Im not rude. I'm honest, there's a difference"

He sighed loudly, clearly exasperated with me.
"Okok I get it I'm leaving" I said with my hands up in surrender before making my way back to my room and falling asleep.

A/N Ahh S3 is out!! How good!!

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now