Part 11

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The carriage ride home was incredibly awkward. I spent the entire time looking out the window ignoring everyone, particularly Anthony. I cannot believe that he got mad at me for dancing with Lord Fairchild especially since I literally couldn't say no to the dance because of some dumb rule. Its not although I was like fucking hime on the dance floor it was just one dance and a short mildly uncomfortable conversation. 

Once we retuned to the Bridgerton house I quickly said goodnight to everyone before disappearing into my room. I definitely need to cool off a bit. I know that Anthony's attitude to me was unacceptable, but if I follow in my anger and treat everyone coldly then I will be no better than him. So I decided to get ready for bed on my own tonight as I didn't want to be unintentionally cruel to Rose after how kind she has been to me. While I was undoing my elaborate hairstyle I did some breathing exercises to help soothe my temper. I will definitely be having a word with Anthony tomorrow that's for sure.

A light knocking on my door took my attention away from my hair. I pulled out the last pin and walk over to see who was there. I opened the door to find Anthony there, his neck scarf thing had beed discarded and the first few buttons on his shirt had been undone. His hair also seemed to be rather disheveled, if I wasn't so mad at him I probably would describe him as devilishly handsome, but I am mad so he looks stupid.

"What do you want?" I ask angrily, clearly I had not calmed down that much.

"I wanted to offer my apologies for my attitude tonight. I was misplacing my anger towards Lord Berbrooke on to you." He tried to explain.

"Lord Berbrooke?" I ask, seeming confused. What did the old fool have to do with Anthonys attitude.

"It was brought to my attention at the ball tonight that he made an advancement on Daphne" Anthony said his jaw clenching with anger and his fists clenching by his sides.

"Oh my gosh that's terrible, is she alright? When was that?" I asked suddenly very concerned for Daphne. I can't believe men are shitty regardless of time.

"She appears to be ok. But I am unsure about the specifics of the situation" He replied. I should go talk to Daphne about that, I think she needs a girl to talk to about this. A silence fell between us, caused by the residing tensions.

"I'm-" we both started at the same time.

"You can go first" Anthony said.

"I'm still not happy with the way you treated me tonight. It doesn't matter what is going on with your sister or anything else in your life, you hurt my feelings. It is not fair to me that you took your anger out on me for doing nothing. Lord Fairchild asked me to dance and it is your societies rules that I could not turn him down. I am trying my absolute best to fit in and to pretend that being here away from my family, friends and entire life isn't killing me." I said getting more and more fired up as I continued talking.

"I know it was wrong of me. You have done an incredible job of fitting in. I am sorry" he said.

"Prove it" I said

"Prove what?" He asked seaming very lost.

"Prove to me how sorry you are, that you actiually mean it" I said looking straight into his eyes. I don't actually need him to prove how sorry he is I can see it in his eyes but I still have al of this anger built up in my system and I need to sleep it off before I can accept his apology. I'm honestly just biding time.

"But... How?"

"Figure it out" I said before closing the door on his face.


The next morning

I was woken up by Rose, she had a big smile on her face and a massive bouquet of my favourite flowers. "They're beautiful. Where did you get them" I asked quickly getting out of bed to inspect them.

"They are from Lord Bridgerton" She said sending me an excited smile. She placed the flowers on a nearby table. "He also gave me this to pass on to you" She said holding out an envelope. I took the envelope and opened it up, inside there was a small letter.

'My Dear Y/N,

Words have never been my strong suit, however in order to regain your friendship I will try my best. I am truely sorry for taking my anger out on you. You told me once that before arriving here no man had ever given you flowers before. That, in my opinion, is a grave oversight. I have arranged for an arrangement of flowers to be delivered to you everyday for the forceable future.

With deepest regrets and sincerest apologies,

Your Anthony'

New flowers everyday?! Jesus that's so many omg what am I going to do with all those?? Will I even have space in this room. I reread the letter. I can't believe that he remembered that flower thing I said, that was just a throw away comment. I let out a wistful sigh causing Rose to let out a laugh.

"What?" I asked

"Oh nothing, shall I help you get ready?" She said changing the topic.

A/N Just a quick little update to sustain you guys. It seems like this story is the new crack so I thought something small would be better than nothing.  

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