Part 9

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I have three callers, and considering I wasn't really introduced to anyone I don't think it's that bad. What can I say this era really suits me. The room was divided into two, I was on the side with the fireplace and the piano while Daphne was on the other side.

Three men walked in together and went straight to Daphne. That's cool I guess just ignore me don't even worry about it. Violet (who was seated beside me), then placed her arm on my hand. "Look, I think he is coming towards you" She said clearly excited as a man who looked to be in his twenties came towards us with a large bouquet of flowers and a box.

"Lady Bridgerton" He nodded a greeting to Violet before turning to me, his icy blue eyes meeting mine.

"Miss Y/N" He said before grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on it. This man has something seriously off with his vibe, I can almost feel the arrogance wafting off of him just from the way that he moves and said my name.

"Apologies, I am unaware of your name" I said, trying to shake the bad feeling that I have.

"I am Lord Theodore Ashbourne, and these are for you" He said before passing the flowers over to me.

"They smell delightful, thank you" Out of the corner of my eye I could see Violet smiling to herself as she made her way over to Daphne's side that seemed to get busier by the second.

"Of course, and this is also for you" He said giving me the box. I took a seat on the couch and placed the flowers to my side before drawing my attention to the box. As I moved to open it I felt Lord Ashbourne sit beside me.

"It is a necklace" he stated before I had even pulled on the ribbon, I sent him my best smile in response. Great, so much for the surprise of opening it. 

I finished with the ribbon and opened the box. 

"Oh wow, its beautiful. Thank you so much" I said in awe of the necklace. It was an emerald necklace that was like nothing I have ever seen before. I lifted it out of the box and was impressed by the weight of it.

"I am pleased that you like it. You know it was very expensive, but not to worry I have a lot of money... and land for that matter" He boasted. Why? Why did he think it was necessary to say that?

"Is that right? And how did you come across this money. What is it that you do" I inquired, trying to salvage this conversation.

"My apologies what do you mean 'what do i do'" he asked seeming genuinely confused.

"Your occupation? What do you do for work"

he scoffed "My dear I do not work" ugh

"So you did not earn your fortune. It was simply given to you"

"Of course" 

"So what do you have to boast about? It is not because of you that you have a fortune. You did nothing but be born, something that I assure you was far more difficult for your mother"

"I shall take my leave now. It was... something meeting you" He grunted out. Yeah I think I can cross him off of my list of suitors. He quickly left the room muttering to himself. When Violet saw how quickly he left she came over to me.

"What did you say to him!?" she whispered to me 

"How do you know it  was something that I said!?" I shot back 

She ignored that with a stern look then said "Lord Ashbourne is a very wealthy man."

"Oh trust me he mentioned it" I laughed out, causing Violet to sigh.

"Alright, let us send in your next caller, I hope it is alright that I decided to send your suitors in one at a time. I thought it would be easier for you" she gestured to the maid by the door who went to fetch them next man.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now