Part 3

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I made my way out of the guest bedroom and towards the room where I first appeared in, as I did so I began to think about my situation. I can't believe I somehow got put into a TV show, gosh I guess its a good thing that I didn't decide to watch a horror movie first or something that could've been a disaster. Wait, now that I think about it... what if I had watched Criminal Minds instead of Bridgerton? Does that mean I could've been hanging out with the SPENCER REID right now??? Damn I messed up...

Anyway, I don't think I will tell the Bridgerton's that they are from a TV show for two key reasons;

1. I have absolutely no idea how I would explain what a computer is let alone a TV show

2. I don't want them to have an existential crisis about how they aren't real. That could be very bad...

I finally found the room, I had  defiantly taken a few wrong turns as it took me quite a bit longer for me to get here than when I was with Daphne. I stood just to the side of the doors archway and peered in. Most of the children were gone now, it was just Violet, Daphne and the two eldest sons. They were all whispering and I can only assume that they are talking about me. I don't want to be caught ears dropping after they had been so nice to me so I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Their heads all quickly turned to me with a look of shock on their faces.

"May I come in?" I asked trying to get them to stop staring at my like I had just grown an extra head. 

"Yes of course Miss L/N" one of the men said while the other man was still staring at me, his eyes raking over my whole body. I suddenly felt quite self conscious of myself and rubbed my left arm with my right in an attempt to comfort myself as I walked into the room.

"You are quite beautiful, once we removed all of that dirt" Violet said making my cheeks warm. Ohh so that's why they were staring at me like that. Well, that boosts my ego its good to know I'm pretty across dimensions.

"haha, thank you. I still have no idea how I got so dirty." I replied still quite nervous giving her a small smile.

"Anthony close your mouth" one of the men muttered to Anthony elbowing him in the ribs. Anthony cleared his throat, shooting a glare at his brother.

"Right shall we sit down and discuss matters over some tea?" Anthony said gesturing to some sofas. I nodded making my way to one of the arm chairs.

"I am really sorry about all of this. I genuinely don't mean to cause trouble, I didn't mean to time travel I swear" I said quickly, I actually feel quite bad about barging into their lives like this.

"There is no need to apologies Miss L/N, am I to assume that you did not mean to travel here?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, even in the year 2024 time travel is still not possible. It was a complete accident." I explained.

"Well whilst you remain here in 1813, let me extend an invitation to stay in our home." Anthony said.

"Thank you so much. I was really worried that I would have to live on the streets.." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"We would never do that to a Lady" Anthony said looking deeply into my eyes. Somehow just that eye contact felt very intimate. 

"But what will we tell the ton?" Violet asked. "How will we explain the random appearance of a young lady. We cannot keep her out of society as she is clearly of marital age." 

"I am not of marital age, what are you on about? I am only 21?!" I replied my eyes wide.

"Oh dear! of course you are of martial age, our Daphne here has just entered society to find her match and she is eight and ten" Violet said, laughing.

"18!? But she's just a baby!" I said with wide eyes, at this the man that I have yet to catch his name let out a chuckle.

"I assure you I am no 'baby'" Daphne said clearly offended.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, things are just quite different where I'm from" I said shooting her an apologetic smile.

"We could say she is our distant cousin" Anthony said out of the blue.

"What?" I asked not following his train of thought.

"That is how we shall introduce you. We shall say that you are our cousin who we have recently reconnected with and that you were sent to London by your parents for the season to be introduced to society." Anthony explained. At this Daphne and the other man exchanged a knowing look, looking pointedly between me and Anthony.

"What if we were to say that she was a friend of the family, that if she is looked at closely no lies will be found. Especially with that Lady Whistledown who seems to know all" Daphne said.

"Yes you are right sister, we must be careful that no one else should find out who you really are Miss L/N. This family does not need a scandal." Anthony said, his voice sounding very firm when he talked about protecting his family. It was kinda attractive?? I do like a protective man.... No Y/N he's not real don't think like that.

"I swear to you I will not be the cause of a scandal, not after you and your family have been so kind to me. I will play the part of your family friend, I will learn to speak, move and think as you all do. " I said with determination in my voice. "I will not let you down" I said staring into Anthony's eyes.  

There was silence for a moment as Anthony and I stared into each others eyes. A loud clap snapped us out of our staring, I looked towards Violet (the source of the sound).

"Let us retire for the night. In the morning we will go to the modiste and have a whole wardrobe for you, then we will prepare you for the ball that will occur tomorrow night." Violet said.

"Thank you again, goodnight" I  stood to leave the room and at the same time Anthony also stood up. We stood there staring at each other once again, I smiled softly and turned to leave. He grabbed my hand softly and a felt a warmth spread through my body at that small touch.

"You need not say thank you so much" He said much softer than all his other words, it was such a contrast to how he spoke earlier that I felt as though I was the only person to hear him talk like this.

"I will never not thank you for your kindness. Its the only way I know to express my gratitude and even still it is not enough. So let me continue to say it, until I find another way to prove my thankfulness" I said softly back to him, gently pulling my hand away then I left to return to my room.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now