Part 13

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The next morning I slept in a little and took my time getting ready, I wanted to give the Bridgerton's some space to sort out the whole Berbrooke thing with out me awkwardly standing there. After breakfast I headed into the drawing room where Violet and Daphne were.

"What are the two of you up to today" I asked after taking a seat.

"I have invited Berbrooke's mother over for tea" Violet said, oh so they haven't sorted it out at all.

"So the marriage... its actually happening?"

"There is little we can do" Violet replied. Yikes thats terrible poor Daphne. As bad as I feel about that whole situation I don't particularly want to stick around and find out what demon gave birth to that vile Berbrooke.

"Well good luck with that" I said before beginning heading out the room.

"Where are you going?" Daphne asked.

"To see London of course!" I'm actually so keen to see what London looks like in 1813. Do they have big ben yet? I know it was renamed in 2012 but I have no idea when it was built. I left the room and headed down the hallway, I paused in front of Anthony's door to his study. Should I see if he's free? He probably isn't trying to figure out Daphne's situation. But I do want someone to show me around and... I want to spend time with him. I let out a sigh then knocked on the door.

"Who is it" Anthony called out. I opened the door a little, peaking my face in. "Y/n, is everything alright?" concern filled his voice.

"Yes everything is completely fine, I was just um" I stepped into his office, closing the door behind me. Anthony looked at the door then back at me, then his eyes seemed to heat up. "I was hoping to go out today, see London. See how different it is." I continued.

"And?" He asked, of course he knew there was more.

"And I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? Show me some things?" I asked, he stood up and made his way towards me.

"Of course I will accompany you and" He paused and got stood right next to me, so close that I could feel the warmth radiating off of him, I could even smell him. He smelt like a blend of cedarwood , cinnamon, with hints of citrus and leather. He looked me up and down."Show you things" His voice was deeper there, clearly hinting at something else. I melted a little inside at that. I turned to him and our bodies were touching. I looked up at him and the pull of his eyes, of him was magnetic. His hand reached up and stroked down my arms causing goosebumps to rise everywhere. I felt myself being drawn closer and his eyes searched mine. "Where" his voice came out raspy and so he cleared his throat. "Where would you like to go?" He tried again. His words took me out of the trance I was in, the spell he put me under. His hand that had been lightly stroking my arm retreated back.

"I didn't really think that far, I want to see what life here is like. Beyond the balls" he hummed, and I felt it vibrate through my body.

"How about the markets?"

"Yes! Thats perfect. Good idea. Are you free to go now...or do you have to finish things here?" I asked. I love a good market back home, it how I spend most of my Saturday's. I'm keen to compare what they are like here compared to the future.

"I think i need to step away from all of that work for awhile. To gain a new perspective."

"Great lets go" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the study.

"Wait one moment, we must have a chaperone" Anthony said stopping abruptly.

"A chaperone? Like we're 12?" I asked, I'm 21 I don't need someone supervising me. And Anthony's like 29 surely he's a big boy.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now