part 8

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The next morning I was woken up by Rose, having slept in after the late night. I looked to my bedside table and spotted Anthony's handkerchief, I didn't get to see it fully last night but now I could see that his initials were stitched on in blue thread. Oops I think I was meant to give that back but I forgot because, well he's very distracting especially when he was looking at me with such intensity. After rose finished getting me ready for the day I grabbed the handkerchief and went off to have breakfast.

I reached the dining room at the same time as Anthony.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" He asked

"Morning, not too bad. What about you?"

"Not too bad" He said then moved to enter the room.

"Wait" I said quickly, causing him to turn back to me. "Here, I forgot return this to you last night" I held out his handkerchief, he took it his hand brushing mine. We both stood there staring at each other, my heart warming. God I have a problem.

He cleared his throat. "Is there something else, y/n?"

"I was wondering if I could have something to write in? Like a diary or journal or something? I'm sorry I don't know who to ask for these things. I know I have asked for a lot."

"Of course, I will have one delivered to you shortly. If you ever need these things you can tell Rose or me, you can have anything you desire." I blushed at that last comment "And y/n st-" he started

"Yes, I know I know stop saying sorry" I interrupted and he gave me a knowing smile, nodded then walked into the dining room.

Breakfast was as expected, completly chaotic. I was able to check in with Hyacinth who begged me to tell her the rest of the 12 dancing princesses. And so whilst the the Bridgerton's all talked loudly with each other I softly told Hyacinth the rest of the story. Mid way through breakfast Anthony excused himself saying he had some business to attend to, I wonder what that actually means. Like what does he do? How do they have so much money??

After breakfast I went into the drawing room to read some book that Eloise had given me, while others went to 'promenade'. I heard something about the Duke so I assume that they went on a date or something.

About an hour later Rose came into the room. "A gift. From Lord Bridgerton" She said holding something wrapped in f/c paper and tied with a silk white bow. I took it in my hands and upon closer inspection I noticed that it was wrapped quite badly. He must of wrapped this himself...

I pulled on the bow and opened the gift, inside there was a leather journal and at the bottom of the cover were my initials. Wow, I was only after a basic notebook type thing but I felt butterflies in my stomach at the though of him not only getting it engraved, but wrapping it himself.

Rose passed me a quill and some ink "He said that you would need this as well"

Well fuck, I have no idea how to write with a quill...

Two hours later

"Two dances? With a duke?" Hyacinth exclaimed. Over the two hours I had gotten a hand on how to write with the quill, although I have gotten ink all over my hands.

"He was quite takenwith your sister, Hyacinth." Violet explained "The entire party was, for that matter.All eyes were on Daphne."

"But their eyes were only looking into the others, it was quite romantic I must say" I chimed in

" At least enjoy some toast, dearest" Violet tried to entice Daphne, who hadn't eaten much today.

"I am not hungry, Mama. "

"Are you certain the entire party was not simply eyeing a tear in her dress?" Colin joked, I let out a small laugh.

"How does a lady come to be with child?" Eloise suddenly burst into the room, seeming rather flustered. Is she not like 16? Surely she would know...

"Eloise, what a question!" Violet scolded

"-I thought one needed to be married." she continued

"What are you talking about?" Daphne asked, does she also not know? Wow sex ed is reallly lacking here

"Eloise, that is enough." Violet said before encouraging Daphne to continue playing the piano thing.

Eloise moved towards the couch that Benedict, Colin and so were sitting on. She slumped down inbetween Colin and I.
"I take it the two of you know" she said referring to the boys
"I also know" I added in
"Do not look at me" Benedict said
"How do you know y/n?" Eloise asked.
"Talking about those things is normal in the future. In fact it is taught in school. Of course not in great detail. but still"
"Interesting, so how does it happen?" Eloise pressed on.
"Have you ever visited a farm El?"
"Don't make it sound so crass. When two people find each other attractive they-" I started to explain.
"I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation" Violet cut in
"Not at all Mother. It is all y/n" Benedict put the blame on me.
"I think it's an important thing to know! And don't throw me under the bus like that" I said shooting a look at Benedict.
" What is a bus" the three Bridgerton's on the couch with me asked.
I let out a sigh "great another one" I mumbled before opening up my journal and writing 'bus/ throw me under a bus' on the left page.
"What are you writing in that book?" Colin asked me.
"The left pages are for words and things that do not exist yet so I can remember not to say them. And the right page is full of words that are new to me." I explained. Benedict and Eloise looked over my shoulder to read what I have written.
"That is a lot of profanities" Laughed Benedict
"Yes it appears that most of my vocabulary is not proper for a lady to say" I grumbled
"What is L-O-L" Eloise asked pointing at it
"It stands for laugh out loud. You would use it in a um letter if you find something amusing"  I explained.
"interesting" Colin said "I should like to use that"
"No! You cannot it is wayyy after your time that it becomes popular" I quickly shut him down.
"Fine." Colin huffed
"Come brother, let us go-"
" Take our sticks out" I laughed at that, knowing they were continuing on with joking about sex.
"Colin Bridgerton!" Violet scolded
"A round of fencing" he explained. I shook my head smiling, good to know boys never change. The two of them left the room, and I returned to my journal, tuning out of the conversations going on around me. That is until I heard my name.
"Yes?" I asked as my head went up.
"Y/n, you have callers!" Violet said.
"What?" I asked. Wait this is what Daphne was talking about the other day, this means some men are here to woo me.
"I do not wish to be called on" I said outraged at the idea, causing Eloise to laugh.
"I like you very much y/n!"

I'm pretty sure all of these men will be super sexist and I don't think I will be all that civil if I hear any of that.

"Should I return their gifts and send them on their way then?" The messenger asked

"Did you say gifts?" I asked, my interest piqued. Maybe I could be convinced to entertain these men, at least I'd be getting something out of it. Unlike many tinder dates that I've been on before where not only have I had to pay for my meals but I was met with no rewards at all!

"Yes, Miss Y/n." the messenger replied.

"Don't send them away I should like to see what they have to say" I said

"Send them in!" Violet said clearly very excited.

A/N haven't proofread this but wanted to get a chapter out fast for all of you! Thanks for all the love on this <3

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