Part 2

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I rolled onto my back and sat up still trying to catch my breath. I looked around I saw 9 people staring at me 4 males and 5 females.

"What is she wearing?" I heard the smallest girl ask.

"What am I wearing?? What are you all wearing?!" I exclaimed as I finally took in their outfits. "You guys look like your dressed for the 1800s!" they all exchanged strange looks after that last statement.

"Um it is the 1800s Miss. Its 1813." the eldest women explained looking at me with concern.

"What" I whispered as I looked around finally taking in my surroundings. The room I was in was beautiful, large windows let in lots of light and there were lots of fancy looking sofas. There was also a piano although it looked quite different from the ones I have seen. In fact everything in this room seemed... different? But there is no way that I somehow managed to get to 1813 right?!

I looked around franticly, trying to find anything familiar at all. Anything to tell me that this is all some cruel prank, but there wasn't anything. I started to tear up and my breathing got heavier, what am I supposed to do if I really am in 1813? I obviously don't know anyone here so will I have to live on the streets? And I'm pretty sure women aren't allowed to work so there's no way I can earn money or anything. 

A gentle female voice interrupted my spiral "Are you alright Miss?" my eyes snapped up to meet the face of that voice. She was beautiful but I also sort of recognized her, although I'm not sure where from.

I wiped my tears away trying to compose myself enough to reply. "I don't know how to explain this, but I'm from the year 2024 and I have no idea how I got here or how to get home" They all stared at me seeming speechless before they started talking at the same time.

I only heard one thing through the chaos:

"That is marvelous!" which came from the youngest boy.

"I'm sorry I missed all that.." I replied apprehensively suddenly quite intimated by all these people towering over me on the floor. 

"If I had not witnessed you miraculously appear myself, I would think you insane. However,  since my family and I  were all present for entrance I find I have no choice but to believe you. Now Miss if you could please tell us your name and perhaps remove yourself from our floor?" What I assume to be the oldest man said.

"Oh yes of course" I said suddenly embarrassed that I was still sprawled out on their floor. "My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N" I scrambled to my feet and as I did I felt all of their stares on me.

"Hello there miss L/N, my name is Lady Violet Bridgerton and these are all of my children. Before we discuss matters further might I offer you a bath and a change of clothes, I do not intend to be rude it is just if someone were to see you in those clothes of yours it could be quite scandalous. You apear to be similar in form to my eldest daughter  Daphne, she has many dresses and I am certain would not mind sparing one for you" Violet said or is it Lady Violet I'm not sure how names work here. I looked down at my clothes suddenly embarrassed with what i was wearing, although I am very thankful that I was not wearing shorts or worse a bikini!

" Thank you that is very kind, people clearly dress very different where I'm from" I let out an awkward laugh. 

"Daphne could you show Miss L/N to one of the guest rooms and have someone draw her a bath" Violet said turning to the beautiful women who I now know is Daphne.

"Of course Mama, follow me Miss L/N" Daphne said gesturing for me to follow her into the hallway. 

"I cannot believe you are from the future! That is absolutely capitol!" Daphne exclaimed as soon as we entered the hallway.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now