Part 15

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The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. "Ughh fuckk me" I said as I picked up a pillow next to me and put it over my head to shield myself from the light coming in. A knock sounded at the door before I heard it open.

"Good morning Miss- Oh what happened here?" Rose said, I removed the pillow and took in the scene that was my bedroom. There were the empty bottles on the floor and half eaten treats along with pillows and blankets.

"Oops, don't worry I'll clean it up" I said, then turned to Rose who held a fresh bouquet of lilies. Anthony has kept his word with delivering a new bouquet of flowers everyday and its slowly turning my room into its own green house.

"Don't be silly Miss Y/n, I will send someone up to clean it whilst you eat. Also this bouquet comes with a letter" Rose said placing the flowers on a table, grabbing the letter and walking it over to me. I haven't reccived any other letters with the flowers since the first on, so I sat up quickly (perhaps too quickly considering my headache) and grabbed the letter.

My darling Y/n,

I hope this letter finds you not too ill from your night. I find myself at a loss for words to adequately express the thoughts that have occupied my mind since that delightful, albeit unexpected, evening we shared. As I sit here, pen in hand, I am reminded of your laughter echoing through the halls, your smile that seemed to brighten even the dimmest corners of the room, and of course, the way your corset loosened under my touch

I write to let you know that should you ever wish to reminisce or share another evening of lighthearted camaraderie, know that my study door is always open to you. Until then, take care of yourself, my dear Y/n. May our next gathering be just as enjoyable, though perhaps with a tad less wine involved.

Your Anthony

What the fuck did I do last night??? Why does he know what it feels like to loosen my corset? Why do I vaguely remember hiding under Anthony's desk... Oh well live and let live. I'm sure drunk me didn't do anything that crazy and I am certain Anthony wouldn't take advantage of me. I reread the letter, 'my darling Y/n', my face flushed at those words. I folded the letter up and placed it in my bedside draw with the other letter, then peeled my self off of my bed.

"Shall I prepare a bath?" Rose asked and I nodded in response. I feel so icky with hangover vibes so hopefully this bath will wash them away. "What fragrance would you like to use today?"

I looked over at the bouquet of lilies sitting on the table. "Lilies please" I said with a soft smile.

After my bath I was dressed in a light pink dress and made my way to the dining room for breakfast. I kept my hair completely down to not aggravate my head, but I am feeling loads better after my bath. The Bridgerton dining room was bathed in the soft glow of morning light, casting long shadows across the polished wood floors and ornate furniture. I entered the room with a serene smile. Anthony looked up from his newspaper, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary before he greeted me warmly. When my eyes met his I was hit with a wave of memories, me sitting on his lap, straddling him... Him carrying me to bed, calling me pet names. OH FUCK, his strong hands undoing my corset!! But... thats it. Nothing else happened that I remembered. Thats good I guess.

"Good morning, Y/n," Anthony said, his voice soft with a hint of warmth that made my heart skip a beat. "I trust you're feeling well rested?"

I nodded, taking my seat beside him. "Good morning, Anthony. Yes, I am. How about you?" He raised his eyebrows at me in doubt

"I'm quite well, thank you," he replied, his eyes briefly meeting mine before turning towards the doorway where Eloise and Daphne stumbled in, looking disheveled and clearly worse for wear.

Lost in time ~Anthony Bridgerton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now