𖤍 ONE 𖤍

500 43 169

Renee's POV

"Hi welcome to Coffee and Crumbs! What can I get you?" I asked the man who approached the counter. He took a Quick Look at the menu then turned back to me. "Just a black coffee please." He spoke in a dead tone.

"And what size sir?" I asked as cheerfully as I could. "Large." The man responded, annoyed. What did he expect me to read his mind or something? God the nerve of some people.

"And can I get a name for that order?" I asked still trying to be polite. "Steve." Should've guessed that one. Boring name for a boring person.

I started to prepare his coffee and set down on the counter calling out his name. A few moments later he grabbed it as I went on to take the order of the next costumer.

This time it was a short man, with glasses and he looked to be balding. "2 medium cappuccinos please!" He spoke before I could even ask what he wanted. "Alright! Name please?"

"Ricky." He answered. That name...it was familiar but I just couldn't place my finger on it. After I prepared his drinks he grabbed them and rushed off, seeming to be in a hurry.

Where have I seen you before Ricky?

Y/n's POV

"Ricky! My man! You're back!" I beamed, grabbing the coffee from him. He smiled and nodded, taking his own coffee. "Are you watching Phineas and Ferb?" Ricky suddenly asked me, looking at the TV.

"You see everyone has a villain they look up to...mine just so happens to be Dr. Doofenshmirtz." I answered, smiling goofily at him.

"Uhm ok then.." He replied. Taking a sip of his coffee. I did the same and continued to watch my show.

"Uhm Y/n? Aren't we supposed to be planning on how to catch Snow Angel?" The shorter man asked me, I shrugged and turned off the TV.

"Well I do have a plan! But it's gonna require some money..." Before I could continue Ricky sighed.

"Are you gonna rob a bank?"

"I'm gonna rob a bank!"


Choosing one of my stealthier cars I left Ricky alone at The Super Top Secret Evil Lair. T.S.T.S.E.L for short. Now as much as I hate robbing banks I had to get money somehow. I just feel like I'm way too good to be doing beginner stuff like stealing money.

Anyways that's beside the point. I enter the bank through the back. Jumping over lasers, that don't even burn you. They just alert security, what the fuck they gonna do? Taze me? Shiver me Timbers. Finally I made it to the vault.

Now I know what you might be thinking.

Isn't everything online now??

Well yeah of course, except when you need cash. Banks always have those secret little vaults filled with cash to hand out deposits and shit. Also! Old people who don't know how to use a computer. Fucking dumbasses, I hate old people.

I put on these special gloves that Ricky gave me, they have laser pointers on each finger, except it's actual lasers, that you know cut stuff. They don't alert security.

Once the vault is open, instead of finding money, I see something so atrocious, so gut wrenching, it makes me want to puke.

Snow Angel.

The cities beloved super hero...yikes, jump scare.

"Hello Y/n, what a surprise, you? Stealing money? It's not like you do this every week." Snow Angel stated, Fake yawing.

"Uhm...smoke bomb escape!" I yell out, throwing one of the smoke bombs on the ground. I started coughing and so did Snow Angel until she finally let out. "I can still see you."

"What do you mean you can still see me??"

Oh. I hadn't moved from my spot. Buttttttt I did buy myself some more time so 1 point for Y/n! Fuck yeah!
I immediately start to charge at the super hero in front of me landing a punch straight to her face. Holy shit I actually punched her!

She whines for a moment then uses her STUPID FUCKING ICE POWERS and freezes me.

This bitch really got me looking like an ice cube. "Ok Elsa, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO HIT ME??" She laughs for a moment then circles me.

"Technically, I didn't hit you, I froze you." She states, yeah ok like that's any better. Suddenly she unfreezes me and I stand there confused. "So you're not gonna kill me...?" I ask. She shakes her head no.

"Great! Because while I was frozen I thought of a great way to kill you!" She only rolled her eyes at my very well thought out remark.

"You know, if you weren't an evil super villain you could be a great hero." I scoffed at her attempt to bring me over to the 'good side'.

"I'm perfectly fine on the dark side darling, we don't have health insurance but we do have cookies and dental." I informed, Snow Angel thought for a moment before replying.

"We have brownies and insurance." She suddenly spoke.

"Brownies and insurance? I might have to change my alignments." I joked. "Alright enough of this cliche bullshit let's start fighting again."

The hero in front of me sighed. "I suppose so but ever since my sidekick died I've been feeling kinda lonely." What did this have to do with anything? "Oh...have you?" I responded, thinking for a moment, Ah ha! A form of distraction to let my guard down. Not today Snow Angel! Not today! "Not that I care or anything! I'm only asking so I can gloat."

The girl hummed as I charged at her once more, this time with a knife, my intentions only to finish the job. I stabbed her, correction tried to stab her. The knife wouldn't go through the suit. "What the fuck!? That was supposed to kill you!" She only laughed and threw me against the wall, making me slam my head.

I saw my opportunity and took it, I grabbed some cash and got the fuck out of there. I can't help it if I'm broke. Looking back, relived to see Snow Angel not following me.

When I returned I had about 10 grand in cash. Enough money, for now. "Ricky! I'm back!" I yelled.

"In here!" A high pitch voiced squeaked. I went over to the lab to see, a Dorito?

"Ricky did you turn yourself into a Dorito again?!"

Authors Note!

First chapter what yall think???

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