𖤍 TWO 𖤍

417 43 131

Y/n's POV

Im finally able to turn Ricky back to normal after he turned himself into a fucking Dorito for the millionth time. "Ricky, I'm not gonna be here to turn you back to normal every single second of the day!" I scold. "Get your shit together!"

Ricky nods, "I'm sorry! I was just-"

"Messing with the morphine machine while eating Doritos?" I finish for him. Once again he nods. I roll my eyes and send him away, cleaning up the rest of the mess he made.


"Why does the world hate meeeeeee." I yell out in an alley way. Ricky is in the T.S.T.S.E.L, (note to self: find better name for evil lair). I was just taking a stroll, minding my own business, not harming anyone! For once!

"Maybe the world hates you because you hurt society."

Oh my fucking god not this bitch again. "What are you doing here?" I asked, unamused by her sudden appearance. "I'm not hurting society right now."

"Look you're becoming a really big problem and I-"

"If im such a big problem then just kill me." I cut the blonde off. "Will you let me finish!?" She yells. I shrink in my spot. "Yeah of course, sorry."

"Well even though you're a really big problem-"

"Again just kill me!" Before she could scold me once more I hastily spoke again. "Don't cut you off, right, sorry, continue."

Snow Angel clears her throat. "As I was saying! You're a big problem, and an overall threat to society, but there's an even bigger threat coming."

"A bigger threat? Who's trying to replace me?!" I say, leaping down from the dumpster I was balancing on. "You know how I said my sidekick was dead..." She trailed off.


"Turns out! He's not! He was tired of being stuck in my shadow apparently, and is now plotting his revenge as we speak."

"Yeah I'd be pretty annoyed too if I was stuck in your fat ass shadow." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?"


The girl tsked, then continued. "I need your help, it takes a villain to know one right? I feel like if we team up-"

"Team up? Team up?! Hold on let me get this straight," I paused for a dramatic effect, hoping someone was filming near by and turns this into a super hot edit of me, besides that, I continue. "You want me, a villain, to help you, catch another villain? That makes no sense."

"Uhm well when you put it that way it sounds bad but ...yes?" She spoke awkwardly.

"I'm a psychopath making a difference!" I came to the conclusion. "Uh yeah sure let's go with that, anyways, you'll do it?" She asked eagerly.

"Do I get brownies and insurance?" I questioned.


"Brownies and insurance." I repeated. "Do I get that?"

"I mean yeah sure I guess...?"

"Great!" I exclaimed, extending my arm, implying for her to shake it. "Pleasure doing business with you!" She hesitantly shook it and looked at me weird.

"What about the press?" I asked, "don't you think us working together is a bit weird?"

"They don't have to know, we'll just stage a few fights every once in a while." She answered, I nodded my head in agreement.

"Peace out Snowflake!" I called out, turning my back to leave.

"Don't call me that!" She shouted after me.

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want!"

Authors Note!

I love there relationship, yes this is an enemies to lovers just my special twist on it

She won't act like a Disney villain for the entire book pls omg 😭💀

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