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Y/n's POV

"What about mommy?"

Those three simple words made my eyes widen with shock, and excitement. "Hm, I'll consider it, make me feel good enough and maybe you can earn it." This time her eyes widened, but it quickly went back to normal as a smirk played on her face.

"Is that so?" She teased, I nodded, getting up to go to one of her numerous bedrooms. "Where are you going?" She asked, clearly amused. I looked at her with confusion. "To a bedroom...?"

"Why not do it here, so the whole city can hear you." My eyes widened as I walked back over to her. "Strip." She ordered. Wow getting right to it.

"Hm, and you don't wanna take this off of me?" I teased, two can play that game. Her eyes were cloudy and hooded as she made her way over to me. Carefully, and painfully slowly, she started to take my clothes off, bit by bit. I was all of the sudden very glad I didn't wear my usual costume, and put on something more casual. Good job past Y/n.

(Ur fit)

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(Ur fit)

She started with the jacket, taking it off of me and throwing it to the side. Leaving me in a bra and jeans. She kissed my neck and made her way down to my bra, unclipping it and discarding it. She kissed and sucked on my breasts, as soft gasps and moans left my lips.


"I'm pretty sure we agreed you'd call me something else. Address me properly and you'll get what you want." She ordered.

"Mommy, please, I need you." I begged, she smirked and unbuttoned my jeans, playing with the hem of my panties before taking a swipe through my folds. I moaned loudly at the simple action. "So wet already? I've barely even started yet."

"Then start." I added hastily. She nodded and began to circle my clit with her thumb, while her middle and ring finger teased my entrance.

I bucked my hips into her hand trying to get any sort of friction. "Someone's eager." Reneé said, staring to pump her fingers in me deeper.

"Y-yes oh fuck-!" I moaned, taking that as a sign, she began to go faster and faster with each pump, playing with my swollen bud in the process.

"You're such a slut." She deadpanned, making me throw my head back in pleasure. "Letting me fuck you on this roof so everyone can hear you?"

"Such a needy whore aren't you?" Reneé chuckled, I didn't respond, as the small degrades only turned me on even more. "I-I'm gonna fuck-! I'm gonna cum!" I practically screamed.

"Not until I say so." The blonde ordered. I could feel my stomach tie into a knot and I desperately needed release. "Please!" I begged.

"Who's making you feel this good hm? Who's making you cum?" She asked in a seductive voice.

"You-! Fuck you Reneé!" Her movements stopped as she started creating hickeys on my neck. "Keep going please I'm so close.." I pleaded.

"Address me properly Y/n."

"Please mommy will you let me cum." I moaned as she played with my clit. Once again she started pumping her fingers in and out of me. "Go on baby, come for me."

After a few more pumps I released all over her fingers as she slowed down, helping me come down from my high. "Fuck..." I breathed out.

Reneé laughed. "Was I better than all the girls you fucked?" She asked jokingly.


Authors Note!


Vote comment and share or Towa and Reneé will get married


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