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Y/n's POV

Did that seriously just happen? Did I just kiss- no, make out, with someone I've sworn to hate for the rest of my life?? Yes. Yes I did. AND I WAS SITTING ON HER LAP?!?!!? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME.

Then Ricky came in..(cockblocker) and ruined the moment, then I freaked out and told her to go. Fuck, I told her to leave? What was wrong with me, what IS wrong with me.

I should go apologize right? I don't wanna seem desperate but it's the right thing to do. Since when did I do the right thing?? Man this girl got me turning into a good person or something what the fuck.

While I was thinking about everything, I was making my way to her base. And now that I've arrived, I deeply regret my decisions. Should I knock? Nah I'm not that much of a good person.

I came in through the window, like any normal person would to not see snowy anywhere. I checked the main floor, then the basement, then the second floor and the third. Still she was nowhere.

Finally I made my way to the roof. Where I found Reneé sitting there looking at cars pass, maybe the buildings, or maybe even the sky, I couldn't really tell.

"Nice view you got here Ruby." I joked, trying to ease the tension. She didn't look at me or even acknowledge I was there, so I just sat down next to her. "I'm sorry I made you leave." I finally stated, just trying to get over the apology as fast as possible.

She turned and studied my face. "You were right, to make me leave." She agreed. I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" I questioned, looking at the blonde beside me. She turned around and look back out into the distance. "We...we shouldn't have kissed in the first place."

"W-what?" I stuttered out, my voice breaking in the slightest, almost unnoticeable. "It was a mistake right? That's why you told me to go?"

She turned to look at me and I could see the same hurt look in her eyes that was probably flashing in mine. "Snowy- no..that's not why I- I told you to leave."

"Why else would you Y/n?"

I didn't know how to respond, she was right, why else would I have told her to leave? So instead of using words, I just kissed her. I connected our lips in a slow passionate kiss.

When we finally pulled apart I studied her as a soft smile grew to her lips. "I never want you to leave snowflake, I- you can't leave me." I felt so vulnerable telling her these words, I've only known her for what? A week? Maybe two? And I already trusted her more than anything. Lesbians move fast I guess.

Her eyes met mine as she leaned in closer to me, her eyes fluttering close. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that." She mumbled against my lips.

"I'll call you whatever I want." I whispered into her ear, creating small hickeys on her neck. "Oh yeah? You'll call me whatever you want?" She asked, trying not to moan as I bit down on her neck a bit harsher. I mumbled a soft 'yes' at her words.

"How about a new nickname.." she trailed off, I looked at her, intrigued. "Like what?"

"What about mommy?"

Authors Note!

Yall want the next chapter? You better spam 🗣️🔥
(It's smut)

Vote comment and share bc I texted my ex pls help

And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell
Gossip Girl

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