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Snow Angel's POV (Reneé)

Since Y/n always came to my base, I thought it would be a nice to surprise to show up to hers. I've been to it before, well I wasn't on good terms with her but you know I've been there!


I watched the flames practically swallow, my enemy's base, as she came rushing out. "Are you serious? Now I have to rebuild my evil lair!" Y/n yelled angrily, coming out of the fiery base.

"Womp womp."

End of flashback 

Ahhh good times...

Her base looked exactly the same as it did before, before I set it on fire that is. "Do you have the time to listen to me whine!" I could hear music blasting and Y/n...singing? "About nothing and everything all at once!" She continued. I laughed, and entered the base with her not seeming to notice.

"I am one of those, melodramatic foolsss." She continued to sing, while working on some sort of gadget. "Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it!" I crept up behind her, and peeped over her shoulder. "Sometimes I give myself th- AHH" she yelled as she turned around and punched me in the face.

I flew back, holding my, now bloody nose. "Ow what the fuck Y/n!" I yelled angrily. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. "Shit, shit, shit! Sorry!!" She replied, handing me a towel to clean myself up. I got up, as she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "What're you working on? And why the fuck was your music so loud." I asked.

"I'm working on new night vision glasses since Ricky broke my other pair, and my music is loud because Basket Case by Green Day is fucking awesome." She answered, as I nodded my head. She narrowed her eyes and looked at me suspiciously.

"Why are you here?"

"What? I can't visit my favorite super villain!" I joked as she rolled her eyes at me. "Don't you have like...I don't know, friends?" She suddenly asked me.


"Yeah obviously!" I scoffed, lying through my teeth. She tsked but paid no mind to my response. "And you chose to come see me? I don't even know your secret identity! Or your name besides Snow Angel for that matter!" She laughed.

I mean she was right, and showing her my secret identity really couldn't do that much harm. "Ok fine," I took off my mask and revealed myself to her, I saw her eyes widen before going back to normal. "My name is Renee, outside of this whole snow Angel get up." I said, answering both her questions at once.

"Well Rebecca,"

"Reneé." I corrected.

"Whatever, we should probably make a plan to take down this side chick of yours don't you think?" She suddenly spoke. "I mean yeah, but his weaknesses are limited, nothings really strong enough to take him down."

"We'll just do a lot of things at once!" She spoke cheerfully, "I need you to dig up anything you can find on this guy, weaknesses, strengths, the whole shebang, got that Rachel?"

"Again, it's Reneé, but yeah I can do that." I exclaimed. "Cool meet me back here tomorrow." She ordered. "Got it!" I said turning around to leave. "See ya, y/n!"

"Bye Snowy!" She said, laughing to herself. I could already imagine the next few lines in my head.

For the millionth time! Stop calling me that!

For the millionth time! I'll call you whatever the fuck I want!

"Stop calling me that Y/n!"

"My bad Raven!"

"It's Reneé and you know that!"

"Do I?" She laughed then paused. "Ha! You're right I do!"

"Oh fuck you!" I yelled, but I could help but laugh along with her. "Fuck me? Please do!" She responded, jokingly. The fact that it was a joke definitely didn't stop the heat rising to my cheeks, making me blush, hard.

Authors Note!


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