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Snow Angel's POV

"Snow Angel, please remain calm, help is here."

Help? I don't need help. I got shot in the arm, not my fucking chest. I felt people start to grab me to put me in the ambulance, why were they over reacting?

I restrained against them, trying to get out of their grip. "Snow Angel, everything is going to be ok!" Someone yelled at me. "Let me go!" I gritted out, then  I couldn't feel my feet, or my arms, and everything went dark.


I woke up in the hospital, my arm was bandaged, and I could start to feel my body parts now, yay...? There was a doctor standing by me, looking down at a clipboard. She turned and looked at me, a smile appeared on her face. "Snow Angel! You're awake!" She exclaimed happily.

"Was I in a coma?" I asked, looking around confused. The doctor laughed. "Oh no! We just shot you with some amnesia, you've only been out for a few hours."

I nodded slowly, listening to each word carefully. "We're gonna keep you here for one more day and make sure the wound hasn't affected your powers, I'll leave you to rest and check back on you tomorrow." The doctor explained. Ohhhh so that's why they took it so seriously.

The doctor left soon after as I lied there, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, there was tapping on the window. I looked over to it and saw nothing. I turned back around only to be met face to face with Y/n?

"Hey." She smiled, looking down at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "What happened to the plan?" I asked angrily. She shrugged, a smirk on her face. "Guess I forgot."

"We both know damn well you didn't forget." I accused, again she shrugged, on bothered by the fact that I was IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL.

"So is this like a date?" She asked, I looked at her confused. "I'm literally in the hospital because you shot me." I deadpanned.

"Ok and? Answer the question." She asked again, walking around the room messing with a few different things. I didn't give her an answer immediately, just sitting there and thinking. Is she high?

I watched her sit down on one of the chairs, no looking at me again. I got up and decided to look around myself.

Having my answer ready now, I made my way over to her, as her eyes never left mine. I leaned down to be level with her, placing both my hands on her thighs to balance myself.

I leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. "Do you want this to be a date?" I could feel shivers go down her spine, as her mouth opened and closed but no words came out. My lips fanned hers, only centimeters away from touching. "Well?" I asked.

She looked up and me, then down at my lips, then back at me again. "I should go, I don't want the doctors to come back." She said in a lone tone, just loud enough for me to hear her. I agreed, standing up. She walked back to the window opening it. She sat on the edge and looked at her and smiled.

"You owe me a real first date!" I told her. She just shook her head and laughed. "You got it snowy." She replied.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

"And I thought I told you I'll call you whatever the fuck I want."

I rolled my eyes and laughed as she saluted to me and fell backwards, I immediately rushed to the window and looked down, to see her with a stupid glider, sailing through the air.

What a fucking tease.

Authors Note!


Vote comment and share or I'll discontinue this book (I'm running out of threats help)


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