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Y/n's POV

I strolled into what I assumed was Snow Angels evil lair. Wait good lair? Base. Snow angels base.

As I walked in I didn't see her anywhere. Maybe cuz I'm showing up unannounced but that's beside the point right now. I looked around and her base was epic.

It had huge pillars, highlighted perfectly with Teal LED lights. The floor was marbles and when I looked up to see the roof, it was one giant mirror. I'm gonna steal that idea.

As I was looking around I heard footsteps and instantly turned around. When I did a high pitch scream was to be heard, so I did the same. What we were screaming for? No clue.

"Y/n what the fuck are you doing here?!" The blondes voice echoed through the base. I looked at her then it hit me, she was only in a towel. I immediately turned around and covered my eyes. "Well I figured if we were gonna work together might as well train together too."

"Uhm...yeah let me get dressed." She spoke lowly, exiting the room, to what I assumed was another room. A few moments later she came back fully dressed, mask on. Oh my god I should've remembered her face. Goddamnit. Not because I wanna see if she's pretty or not I just wanna know her secret identity! Nothing more..

"Ok so training you said?" She asked, coming closer to me. "Yeah, uh what are this guys powers anyway? If he has any that is."

"Well he doesn't necessarily have any powers...just a lot of gadgets that act as powers." I cocked an eyebrow at her. "So..basically me? This bitch is trying to steal my identity for real."

That got a laugh from Snow Angel. "Guess so, but let's get to work."

"Ooh! What are we gonna do first? Fighting? Parkour? Killing?!" I exclaimed, practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. She shook her head, smiling to herself. "Let's do fighting, regular hand to hand combat. I won't use my powers, you want use...whatever weapons you have."

"UGHHHHHHHHHHH." I groaned out, I have so much cool stuff I wanted to try out. "Look you can still-"

"UGHHHHHHHH" I cut her off with loud sighs of disapproval.

"Will you just-"


"Y/n CUT IT OUT" she yelled. Oh yikes she means business, I'm quaking in my boots. "Ugh." I deadpanned. She rolled her eyes and started to walk away, gesturing for me to follow her.

She led me into what I assumed to be a training room. The walls were lined with different weapons, basic ones, but weapons. "Let's do hand to hand THEN you can use weapons." She said.

I agreed, and got into in the sparring ring thing? I have no idea what the fuck it was. "I won't go easy on you." Snow Angel warned, I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

The sparring cage thing was line with a fence, presumably to keep the fighting inside. It was at least 10 feet tall, and...easy to climb. In one swift motion the blonde charged at me, as I hopped onto the fence.

I climbed to the very top, with the blonde trying to climb it herself. Next item on the agenda: Teach snow angel how to climb a fence.

"You good down there?" I laughed, she didn't respond for a second still trying to figure out how I got up here so fast in the first place. "Y-yeah!"

I rolled my eyes, unamused by this Tom and Jerry chase we've got going on. I hopped off the fence landing swiftly on my feet, charging at the girl while her back was still turned. I kicked her right in the back of the head, causing her to fall. "Stop going easy on me! Come on show me what you got!" I laughed.

A fire seemed to ignite in Snow Angels eyes as she charged angrily at me, like a bull. A simple step to the side did the trick as she ran straight into the fence. "Ok do you even know how to fight? Because this is just sad." I spoke out, as the blonde dusted herself off.

I moved closer to her our faces only inches apart. I pushed her up against the fence and pulled an out a small knife from my pocket. "Is this necessary?" She spoke, traces of fear left in her voice. "Oh very, I've been thinking about kicking your ass all week."

Snow Angels POV

"Oh very, I've been thinking about kicking your ass all week."

I could feel her breath hot on my skin, as she said those words. She took a simple step back, and pressed the knife under my chin. She moved my face from left to right with the knife. I could feel a shiver go down my back with each movement.

Suddenly, she stopped and turned around, walking away. I could see her slip the knife back into her pocket. I wasn't gonna let her get the last laugh. No way.

I charged at her while her back was turned, at least trying to tackle her to the ground. Of course however, I should've learned from my mistakes, because she dodged and I fell flat on my face.

She looked down at me disappointedly.

"Try again."

Authors Note!

The tension between them goes crazy

Vote comment and share bc I rlly want this book to do good 😭


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