𖤍 TEN 𖤍

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Renee's POV

"So, now that we have everything figured out," Y/n began but I was quick to cut her off. "We don't have anything figured out Y/n!" I sighed, rubbing my head. I've had a splitting migraine for a few hours now as all we've been doing was working, I needed a break.

"Can we just take a break? For like an hour or something?" I asked, tired of thinking of the same ideas just in different words. Y/n sighed. "Yeah ok fine, a break is probably necessary."

I let out a relieved sigh and continued to just lie there, until I heard music playing. "What are you doing?" I asked opening my eyes to look at the girl in front me. She held out her hand gesturing for me to grab it. "You know how to dance snowy?" She asked me. I laughed, "No,"

She smiled at me as I took her hand. "Me neither!" She chuckled and began to spin me around the room. "Why would you ask me if I knew how to dance if you don't know how to dance?" I asked, very confused by this entire situation. "I might be high, might not be." She giggled, I looked around and saw a plate of brownies on the table.

"Did you make edible brownies?" I questioned laughing along with the girl holding me. "Technically," She paused and gave me a pointed look. "All brownies are edible." I rolled my eyes as she laughed like a crazy person. "You know that's not what I meant."

"Maybe I do....maybe I don't!" She picked me up and spun me around like I was weightless, holy shit this girl is freakishly strong. "You know," she began, as she slurred together her words. "I was hooking up wit a girl last night." My face turned into a look of disgust as I groaned. "Ew! I don't wanna know about your sex life Y/n!" I fake gagged.

"Shhhhhh, anyways, when she was fucking me I moaned your name on accident!" My eyes widened in shock. Was this true? She was high for crying out loud! How would I know what's a lie and what's not? "Boy was she mad but I made it up to her and made some stupid excuse on why."

I looked at her I could feel my breath catch in my throat. "W-what was the excuse?" I said a bit breathlessly.

"That I had a rat named Renee and I saw her walk into the room so it was just confused." She smirked, god I could feel my knees going weak and that smirk It could- KEEP IT TOGETHER RENEE.

"Hm, care to tell me why you moaned my name,
Y/n?" I teased as innocently as possible. She leaned in closer to me, her lips fanning mine. I could feel her hot breath on my lips, lord give me strength. "I don't know." She let out in almost a whisper. The music seemed to have stopped, the world seemed to have stopped.

"You don't know?" I countered, in the same whisper tone she used. She looked me in the eyes then down at my lips. "Yeah.."

I leaned in closer to her our lips almost touching.

This is a bad idea Reneé.

Don't do it. Don't do it.

Y/n cleared her throat and stepped away from me. "We should uhm, continue working on the plan." She stated, clearly nervous and somewhat flustered. I groaned at the thought of more work.

"Do we have to?" I asked in a whiny voice.

"For my sake, yes."

For my sake what does that even mean? God I'm hopeless, a hopeless lesbian who was about to kiss the super villain of the century. And goddamnit how I wished we did.

Authors Note!

I want them to kiss so I'll make them kiss 🤪🤪

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