𖤍 FOUR 𖤍

405 44 84

Snow Angels POV (Renee)

"Again." Y/n deadpanned. I groaned, we've been practicing hand to hand combat for ages now. "Y/n, seriously? Can we take a break?" I pleaded.

"Breaks are for the weak, and since you so clearly are, sure take a break."

Someone, she knew all the right buttons to push to set me over the edge. She knew just the right words to say to make me want to kill someone. And that someone? Was gonna be her.

Instead of my usual charge, I used one of the techniques that she had taught me. I moved closer to her, but far enough away to make it seem like I'm just taking a break. She watch me intently as I grabbed a water bottle that was placed off to the side.

I inched closer to her, holding out the water bottle. She let her guarded exterior fall ever so slightly. Gotcha ya.

In a swift motion I kicked her in the gut making her fall back a bit, she caught herself and looked at me, amusement in her eyes. She tried to hit me back but I dodged, landing a punch to her face.

Getting cocky, I tried to hit her again, this time she ducked, making me fall forward a bit as she used her feet to push me to the ground. She climbed on top of me and looked at me menacingly

She had me pinned. 

(Red = Y/n Blue = Snow Angel)

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(Red = Y/n Blue = Snow Angel)

I tried to get her off of me but it was no use. I gave up. She smirked at me. "Giving up so soon? I thought you had more left in you sweetheart."

"Don't call me that." I uttered angrily. She lowered herself so her lips were level with my ear.

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want."

And with those 8 simple words, she got off of me. I lied there for a moment. Unsure of what the fuck just happened. I saw Y/n picking up the water bottle and taking a drink. It looked like she hasn't even broke a sweat yet.

She lifted her shirt just a bit to wipe her mouth, some of her stomach- no, no, abs showing.

Don't look at her abs don't look at her abs don't look at her abs don't look at her abs don't Look at her abs don't look at-

"Are you looking at my abs?"


"W-what? No! Ew, gross." I replied hastily she tsked and chuckled softly to herself.

"So what's this sidekick guys deal anyway?" Y/n suddenly asked. "Hell if I know." I responded with a laugh.

She rolled her eyes at me. "His motive you fucking dumbass." My mouth formed an O shape as she once again rolled her eyes. "Roll your eyes one more time and I'll-"

"You'll what?" She cut me off with a sarcastic laugh as my cheeks turned a crimson red. "You'll give me a reason to roll them? Like what Snow Angel?" She paused and examined my face. "Like. What."

"I- uhm..I-" I stuttered out, not being able to form a comprehendible sentence.

"Hm..that's what I thought, back to more important matters, what is this guys motive?" She asked in a tone that could make me- I'm gonna stop talking now.

"I already told you, he was sick of being stuck in my shadow." I explained. Y/n nodded.

"Right, and is that it?"

"Yep, I'm pretty sure."

"Alright then, I'm gonna see if I can find anything on this guy, in the meantime, you need to stage a fight between us, for the press." She ordered.

"Why are you calling the shots?" I asked in a whiny tone. She arched an eyebrow at me. "Yeah ok sorry." I quickly added.

She hummed, and grabbed some of her things. "See ya snowflake!" She said walking away. I rolled my eyes. "Don't call me that, you asshole!" I yelled after her.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around. Suddenly, a knife was flying at me. I caught it just mere seconds before it reached my face. "That could've killed me!!" I shouted angrily.

"Here's the thing snow flake...it didn't."

Authors Note!

My my my how the turns have tabled

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