A Letter from WHO?

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Hey guys!! I'm back to writing Drarry. This is the sequel to Happily Ever After, I hope you like it. This chapter is dedicated to jasonsnow648 for giving me this great idea. Any who, to the first chapter!!

Harry's POV

Today was horrible. Severus spit up all over me, Lily got the flu; again, and Draco fell down the stairs. We went to see Poppy to heal Draco's broken wrist and leg and to give Lily some Potions for her Flu.

"Harry, Hedwig brought you something. It's on the kitchen table if you want to read the letter." Draco said as he was changing Severus's diaper.

"Ok, thanks. I will." I half walked, half jogged to the table and picked up the letter. It was written in handwriting I've never seen before. I opened the envelope carefully and pulled out a old, worn out letter.

Dear Harry and Severus Snape,

Its been awhile hasn't it? I just wanted you to know how much I love you both and how much I've been wanting to tell the both of you this. On the night of my "death" I was actually taken by Lucious Malfoy and I have been protected by him for over twenty years. Thus meaning I'm not dead. I will be arriving at Hogwarts tomorrow for an interview for a teaching position that is open. I hope to see the two men I love the most in my life, Harry Snape and Severus Snape. I hope you are well, and I really do hope to see the both.
With all my hugs and kisses,

As I finished reading the letter, I found myself crying. My mother is alive? I thought. I walked into the living room and read the letter aloud to Draco.

"Blimey Harry, your family wasn't really torn apart by death. You are actually going to meet your mother tomorrow!" He said.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I'm going to tell Father. Will you please stay here and watch our children?" I asked. He nodded and I walked out the door


"So she isn't dead?" He asked, rather happily.

"Nope." I said while popping the 'p'.

"Well then. I guess we're going to see her tomorrow.'' He said. I could hear him holding back tears, and I too found the urge to cry much stronger than it was twenty minutes ago.

I was finally going to have a nice and pretty much normal family.

In Their Own Little Kingdom: Sequel to Happily Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now