Meeting Lily Again

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Hey there people of Wattpad! Hope you are well and that you are loving this book as much as I live writing it!! Any who, now to the chapter where Harry and Snape see Lily!! Enjoy!!

Severus's pov
Lily isn't dead, and hasn't been for twenty years! Finally I get to see the love of my life again. I found myself crying last night after Harry told me, and this time I wasn't crying because I missed her, but because I get to see her today.

I quickly showered and got dressed. I drank a cup of black coffee and brushed my teeth. By the time my morning routine was over, it was already ten AM. I walked to the Headmistress's office and muttered the password. The door was opened and I walked in quickly. Harry was in the seat on the right of Lily, and he was crying. I walked over to the seat on the left.

"Lily." I said, biting back tears.

"Sevvy!" She exclaimed through tears. She ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged back and she let go. I looked on her emerald green eyes and she looked in my bitter and cold black eyes.

"Severus, you don't know how long I've wanted to see you and Harry. I'm so glad to see you, and guess what? I'm teaching here as well!" She said, smiling.

"Yeah, and she gets to see us everyday, Dad! Isn't that wonderful?" Harry said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Its the best thing ever, Harry. Let's go have a cup of tea with some shortbread." I said, walking out the door, Harry behind me, and Lily behind him. We reached my private quarters and I said the password so everyone could hear it and we walked inside.

"Oh, silly me! I'll be right back Mum, Dad." Harry said. I knew he was going to get Draco and the kids.

"Where is he going?" Asked a curious Lily.

"You'll see." I said. Just then, Harry came back with his family.

"Mum, meet your two grandchildren. This is Lily and this is Severus. And this is my wonderful husband, Draco Malfoy." He said. Lily began crying.

"Oh Harry! They're precious!!" She said.

"Thanks Mum. I'm sure you want to hold Severus." He said handing him to her.

Today was going to be great.

Hope you like it, and I know it was short. Smile always because someday all the happiness in the world will go away.


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