Mom is Pregnant?! What did You do Severus!!!

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So funny title huh? Well as you know, Sev and Lily are going to adopt Jason and Jacob's baby. They tell Harry and Draco, and Harry takes it the wrong way... and thinks that his mom is pregnant... anyways enjoy!!!

Harry's pov

"Hurry up Draco! We have to meet Mum and Dad at Three Broomsticks in five minutes!" I yelled. They have some big news to tell us, well at least that's what the letter said.

"I'm ready, let's go." He said. I grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and threw it into the fire.

"Three Broomsticks!" I shouted then I walked through the green flames. Draco did the same and we were greeted by my parents.

"Harry, over here." My mum said as we walked to a table.

"Where are the kids?" My father asked.

"Um, well, we got a babysitter for a couple hours." Draco said.

"Oh. Well the big news." Mum said. I was nervous, but I don't really know why.

"Well, you know Jason and Jacob," My father asked, I nodded.

"Well Jason had a baby-" he said But Was cut off my My mum.

"We're going to have a baby!" She screamed. I couldn't think or process anything else.

"You got her pregnant? She's only been here for a month, and you've been engaged for two weeks, and you got t her pregnant?" I said.

"No, you misunderstood what we were saying. We're going to adopt Jason and Jacob's baby. They both passed away and the poor baby girl is orphaned." Mum said.

Oh thank Merlin! I thought she was pregnant! I said in my head.

"That's wonderful! What is her name?" Draco asked.

"Well, they didn't get the chance to name her." Dad said.

"But we have discussed some names , and we've decided on Elizabeth Grace Snape. What do you think?" Mum asked.

"I think it's a beautiful name. When can I meet her? Lily will be so happy to have someone to play with when Elizabeth gets older!" I said.

"We're supposed to bring her home tomorrow, but they said that we might be able to bring her home tonight sometime." Dad said. They were so happy.

"Ya know, having Elizabeth will be good. Mum, you missed so much of my childhood, and Dad, you didn't even know you had a son until last year. This is like starting over." I said.

"You're right. But having her doesn't mean that we don't love you just as much." Mum said.

"I know. But this is good, for the both of you." I said.

"Well, we have to go. We'll talk to you later." Dad said. They got up and we hugged and said our goodbyes and they left, leaving me and Draco.

"Do you wanna go look around? Do we need anything for the house?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, let's look around. We really don't need anything, but I wanna spend as much time with you alone as possible." I said, then I gave him a sweet peck on the lips.

"Let's go to Honeydukes." He said. With that, we walked hand in hand to Honeydukes.

Well, what did you think? Hope you guys liked it, and don't forget to comment and vote!! Love you guys!!!


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