Dear Alan Rickman

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When I was in second period today, my History teacher started the class with: "I have some terrible news for all the Potterheads in here. Sadly, Mister Alan Rickman has passed away this morning. He fought a short battle with cancer."

I just want to say that I refuse to let the words "Alan Rickman died Jan. 14, 2016." to even be true. So on behalf of this wonderful and talented man, I would like to write a letter to you. Just as 221Bfangirl did.

Dear Mister Rickman,

You have proved me oh so horribly wrong. I never thought that I would be sitting at my desk in History class crying over a actor's death. But like I said, you proved me wrong. When I got the sad news, I was in second period. And my friend DestinyMcCoy813 and I looked at each other and I wanted to cry. She had the look of sadness in her eyes and we were so sad. At the end of class, I went to Destiny and I said; "Always." and she said; "Don't cry. He'll always be remembered."

I just want to say how inspiring you were to me. You will always be Professor Severus Snape, Potions Master. Sweeny Todd, and many, many more to me. You were snarky, but so what? You were the best person in the world, and who will ever amount to that. I will miss you so dearly. And I'm sure all the Potterheads will.

You once said that when you were 80, you would sit in your rocking chair and read Harry Potter to your grandchildren. But now you can always count on us to read the books to our children, and to our children's children, and so on and so forth. I know I will. Always.

I will always read the books, up until I'm in my 80's. And I too, will say "Always." for you. I'll tell them about you, and how great you were. I still refuse to believe that you have passed, it doesn't feel real.

I will remember you as not just Alan Rickman, but as Severus Snape and Sweeny Todd. I'm gonna miss my fictional father. And to my fictional sister LilySelenaGreyback, I will message you later.

If anyone wants to write a short letter to Mister Rickman, put it in the comments below, and I will write a chapter full of letters to him.

Thank you so much for being who you were, I'll miss you so much.


Kaylee York

*I feel like it's not long enough, but I wrote all I could. As I write this letter, I'm crying. Not only because I'll miss you, but because I don't want it to be true.

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