Visiting the Malfoy's

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Salutations people of the wattpad universe! Today's chapter will take place at the old Malfoy Manor. Harry, Draco, Lily, Severus, and Harry's parents (Snape and Lily) will be spending the day with Draco's parents. Enjoy!!!

Harry's POV

"Draco! Are you ready to go see your parents?" I yelled from the baby's room to the living room.

"Yeah, you ready? Aren't your parents coming too?" He asked. He must have come in the nursery because he was standing right behind me.

"Yeah. Let's go get them and go to your parents." I said Then I kissed him gently on the lips and Tran out the room. I grabbed the diaper bags and the stroller and put the children in them. Draco got some other things and we went to get my Mum and Dad.

Severus's pov

"Lily, are you ready. The boys will be here any minute." I said, pulling on a muggle t-shirt. I was also wearing a pair of blue jeans with a pair of surprisingly comfortable pair of muggle shoes called Converses. Lily came out of the bathroom and said she was ready to go right as Draco and Harry walked in.

"You guys ready?" Harry asked. We shook our heads and then we each grabbed a handful of Floo Powder.

"Malfoy Manor!" I yelled into the green flames. I walked through them and into the house.

"Severus, how are you?" Asked Narcissa.

"Quite well. Lily should be coming about now." I said.

"Oh, yes. Lily Evans is back. How did Harry take the news. Of her coming back and you being his father?" She asked.

"He took the news very well. Cried when he found out his Mum was alive, and told me he loved me a day after I told him I was his father." I said.

"Lily!" She yelled as she hugged her. Her long red hair was braided to the side. She wore a black skirt that went to her knees and she wore a red shirt. She hugged Cissa back and then walked over to me and put her hand in mine.

"Hello every one!" Said Harry. He was holding Lily and Draco walked in holding Severus.

"Who's the little baby. I know that's Lily, but who's baby is that?" Asked Lucious.

"Oh, well this is Severus Lucious Malfoy. Our son." Draco said.

"Yeah, sorry we forgot to tell you. We haven't even told Sirius and Remus." Said Harry.

"Well give him to me, I want to hold him!" Cissa said. Draco handed him to her and walked over to me.

"Can I talk to you?" He said.

"Of course. Do you want to go somewhere more private?" He nodded and we went into his old room.

"I'm worried about Ginny Weasley. Before Harry had Severus, Ron came and first insulted me and Harry, then told us Ginny was at St. Mungo's. That was about four weeks ago. She hasn't gotten any better and I'm worried that if she dies Harry might do something stupid. Ginny was Harry's best friend, along with Hermoine. Ron said Hermione wasn't leaving the room Ginny was in and she wasn't eating either." He said. He was worried about Harry and Hermione.

"I see. Has Ron come back to tell you anymore news or anything?" I asked. He shook his head,

"I'll see what I can do. We should get back to the visit." I said.

We walked back to the dining room and sat down. Lily was holding baby Lily and then I noticed how much I really did love her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I'm gonna ask her to marry me. Not for awhile. But someday I will.

Hope you liked this chapter and I may or Amy not update again today. Well, have a great rest of your day!! Smile always because someday all the happiness in the world will go away.

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