The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Time for murder... I mean another chapter! Here you go my lovelies..

Draco's pov

How could he? How. Could. He.

How could that filthy mudblood whore? I'll get my revenge, oh I will...

Harry's pov

"Harry?" Hermione asked.


"What is going to happen when Draco finds out?" She asked. There is a question I didn't know the answer to. I mean I love Draco, and our children so, so much. But Hermione came back, and well, she stole my heart. And now I can't go back to him.

"Harry, I need to tell you something." She whispered. I looked at her, but tried to keep my calm look.

"I-I t-think I'm p-p-pregnant." She stuttered. My heart sank.

"A-are you sure?" I asked, feeling my heart racing. I could feel her nod her head. I panicked and jumped up.

"This can't be happening! This is really bad. Hermione, you have to make sure you're one hundred percent sure you're pregnant." I borderline screamed. She jumped up and put on a coat and ran out of her flat. I did the same.

"Harry, are you going go leave me?" She asked me without turning around. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"Never." I whispered in her ear.

Muh ha ha ha! A cliffhanger, no one but me knows if she's actually pregnant... hope you liked it and since I finally got my phone back and I'm not working on my tablet anymore, you can expect more updates now!! Love you guys!!!

*Markiplier voice*


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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