Starting My New Life

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So if you liked the last chapter, then you're gonna love this one! I'm gonna make this chapter in Lilys pov and it's something I'm gonna start doing. Hope you like it, and lots if love to jasonsnow648  and 221Bfangirl for being there and helping me with ideas, and also being the bestest friends ever!! Smile always because someday all the happiness in the world will go away.

Lily's pov

My son is so happy. He is married and has kids of his own now. I am left to spoil and spend time with my grandchildren and also spend time with Severus and Harry.

"Sev, can I talk to you, somewhere private, please?" I asked, looking in his eyes.

"Of course, Lily." He said. We walked down the hall into his room. I practically ran over to him, and kissed him passionately.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." I said as I pulled away. He looked at me for half a second, then kissed me back.

"Me too." He said. All I felt was butterflies and fireworks in my stomach. I hugged him tightly and buried my face in is chest. He pushed me away slightly and cupped his hands on my face.

"Lily, I love you. I always have and I always will." He said.

"Oh Sev, I love you too!" I said in return and kissed him again. He kissed me back and I sat on his bed. He was laying down on the pillows but he was sitting up at the same time. I laid on his chest and I felt his arm come around my back and I looked up.

"Please don't ever leave again." He said.

"Never, Sev. Never." I told him. He smiled and I laid back on his chest. I felt my eyes grow heavy and the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Severus's heartbeat.

Harry's POV
Mum and Dad have been gone for awhile, I'm starting to get worried. Then other things popped in my mind and I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head. I looked at Draco and smiled.

"What do ya think they're doing in there, love?" Draco asked me.

"I don't even want to know. I think we should leave. I'll write a note so they know we left. If they ever come out of that room." I said. I put a note on the table, grabbed the kids' diaper bag and picked up Lily and we left. I was glad to finally meet my Mum and I was glad Dad was finally happy again.

Sorry it was so short, by I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Next chapter will be up tomorrow, hopefully. Love you guys!!

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