Harry's Dream

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Hey guys! So here's the next chapter. What is Harry's dream? Let's find out. Well you will find out, I already know....

Harry's POV
Two days after visiting the Malfoy's

"Ready for bed?" Asked my husband after he closed a book.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm really tired. This school year is almost over and I'm kinda sad to leave. I don't want to teach next year, just spend time with my family." I said.

"Its ok. We won't teach, I don't care. Let's go to bed, I'm tired." He said. We went in our bedroom, changed into some pajama pants, no shirt, and went to lay down.

"Goodnight Harry. I love you." He said. I gave him a small kiss and he gave me one too and I snuggled myself into his chest. I could feel his heartbeat on my back, and I fell asleep.

Harry's Dream

Harry was standing beside his father in a black tux. He looked up to see a small crowd and looked in the middle of the crowd, there was a small aisle. The Wedding March began to play and he saw several girls walk down the aisle.
Then he saw a woman walk down the aisle. She was wearing a beautiful white gown that looked like Cinderella's dress, but it was white. His dad was smiling and you could see a tear in his eye. The woman got closer and Harry could see who it was.

It was his Mother.

End of dream

The next morning

"I have to go talk to dad about something. I'll be back before lunch." I said to Draco as he was changing our son's diaper.

I walked to my father's chambers and knocked on the door.

"What do you want at- Harry! Come in. Tea, Coffee?" He said.

"No thanks. I need to talk to you and only you about something." I said.

"Okay, spill." He said.

"Last night I had a dream. A dream where you and mum got married. Do you want to marry her?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. I want to marry her very much." He said.

"Well then marry her! Don't let her get away, again." I said.

"Harry, these things take time. You and Draco dated for two years before getting engaged. Then waited a year to get Married!" He said.

"But you love her, and she loves you." I said.

"When should I ask her?" He asked.

"Tonight, and I'll help you plan everything!" I said. He had the look of shock on his face, but that quickly turned into glee.

"Okay, it shall be tonight." He said.

Little did they know, Lily Evans had heard everything. She was going to say yes to Severus. Its what she's always wanted.

Yay, they're going to get Married! Anyway, my birthday is in six days!!! Love you guys, and I'll update again tomorrow. Smile always because someday all the happiness in the world will go away.

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