Another Baby pt.2

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Well the second part of jasonsnow648 almost dying. And your favorite song is above so... Anyway to the chapter.

He's in a coma. Madame Pomfrey said that he might have to be sent to St. Mungo's. The baby girl still isn't named cause I don't know what to name her. I haven't slept or ate in two days.

"You should rest." I heard Madame Pomfrey say behind me.

I just shook my head.

"There's a bed right beside his. Lay down and sleep." She said.

"What part of I don't want to sleep or leave his side do you not understand!" I screamed. She flinched and left the room. The tears, they cane again and this time I let them fall. They ran down my face and onto his arm. I held his hand and didn't let go.

"Jay, please wake up. Please for me and for our daughter. Please." I said, choking on sobs once more. I kissed the back of his hand, then stood up and kissed him gently on the lips.

Ha, silly little faire tales. True loves kiss, what a joke. I thought. I sat back down, and sleep slowly consumed me.

Jacob's Dream:

"I'm so sorry Jacob, but I did everything I could do. He's gone." Said the Medi-Witch.

"No! So he's just dead, I've lost everything I loved. I have to raise our daughter by myself?" I screamed.

"I'm sorry. You can have a proper burial service here, or at home. My condolences to you and your daughter. I'm sorry again." She said. I couldn't breathe, or even function. I just let my knees buckle and I feel to the ground, screaming, cursing God for taking him. Crying. The tears wouldn't stop and I still couldn't breathe. I had to be with him, I had to. I wanted to die. And I was going to. Tonight.

Night time came around, and I made sure Madame Pomfrey was asleep. I went and got a rope, tied it to the ceiling, tied it around my neck. I stood on the stool, jumped up and kicked it over. I felt the last breath leave my body and I saw Jason. He had on a white robe and I saw wings on his back. I did it. I was finally with him again and I was here to stay.

End of his dream. Or was it a dream?

Hai my loves!! Did you like it? Sorry it's so depressing, but I had a great idea and so I wrote it down. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME JASON!! Love you guys and until next time...


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