Meeting Some New People

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Yay! Another chapter today, is anyone excited? Anyway I decided to write this chapter in Lily's pov again because hey, why not. Any who. To the chapter!!

Lily's pov
I woke to new surroundings. I was in a bed with a green comforter and I was lying on a chest.
Where am I? I thought to myself, then looked up to see a sleeping Severus Snape. His eyelids fluttering lightly with sleep and dreams. I got up from the bed and checked the time. Its already four 'o clock? I got here at seven this morning! I thought. I decided to make a late lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup. As I was putting the soup in the bowls, Severus walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't wake you did I?" I asked, smiling at his bedhead.

"No. The smell of food woke me up. What are you making, it smells delicious." He said.

"Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup. Your favourite." I said. He nodded and grabbed a bowl and a spoon and a sandwich. We sat at the table and ate pretty much in silence except for an occasional yawn or two.

"Thank you so much for making lunch, Lily. It was delicious." He said.

"You're welcome. It was the least I could do for you letting me sleep here for the whole day." I said, then I started gathering the dishes.

"Nope. I've got it. You made the meal, I'll wash the dishes." He said. I smiled and he smiled the toothy grin that I fell in love with years ago. He walked to the kitchen and I walked to the living room. There were pictures of the babies, pictures of Harry and Draco, and even pictures of me from when we were in school.

"Do you remember that day?" Severus asked, wrapping his arms around my torso from behind.

"How could I forget? You told me you liked me and then I kissed you. James saw and hexed you all the way to Poppy." I said, hiding my grin and laugh.

"Yeah, then you told James to leave me alone, that you kissed me. James thought it was a lie, but he let it go." He said.

"James used to hit me. After we were married, some nights he would get very drunk and when he found a flaw in some thing I'd done, he would hit me in the face or in the sides or on my back. He even did it when I was pregnant with Harry, that's why I never told him that he was yours. I thought he might kill me." I said. I was crying, but I didn't care. I was with the man I loved, not the man who was a drunk or a spouse hitter. Severus looked enraged.

"That bastard! How dare he hit or harm you in any way, especially when you were with child? He better be glad he's dead, cause if he wasn't, I kill him myself." He said, his eyes raging with fury.

"It's okay now. Let's go back to bed." I said.

"I never did ask you, what are you going to be teaching?" He asked.

"Transfiguration." I said. He smiled and kissed the top of my head. Then I fell back to sleep.

The next morning. Lily's first day of teaching:

I quickly made sure everything was in place and walked over to the door. I swung it open to see the eighth year students file in. I saw a young man with I'm assuming his boyfriend sit down together.

"I'm sorry boys. I'm assigning seats. Please stand up and walk over there with the rest if the students." I said. The one with the blond hair and the blue eyes stood up and walked over to me.

"You see him over there? That's my husband. I'm pregnant and we have to sit together, Poppy's orders for just in case." He said.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't know. You both may sit there together." I said. Wow. Seventeen, married, and pregnant. How old was Harry when he married Draco? I'll ask Severus, he'll know.

"Good morning, class. My name is Professor Evans and this is Transfiguration Class. Goof off or mess around, you will have detention and points deducted from your house. Understood?" They nodded and one girl shot her hand up.

"Aren't you Professor Harry's Mum?" She asked.

"And what is your name?" I asked.

"Clare Stevens. Sorry for asking a personal question like that." She said looking down at her shoes.

"Yes, I am Professor Harry's Mum. I faked my death to protect him, and his father." I said.

"Yeah, too bad his father is dead." A boy with blue hair.

"Well, you see his father isn't dead. His father is Professor Snape. I was never really married to James and I loved Professor Snape more than I loved James. James got drunk a lot and hit me, even when I was pregnant with Harry." I said. The class looked shocked, but Claire had a single tear in her eye. I looked at the time. Thirty minutes left.

"Tonight I want you to read chapter four, copy down the vocabulary and take notes. You will have a quiz tomorrow." I said, and groans of protest were heard around the room. Except for Claire, who had started immediately.

So this chapter was longer and Lily's 'Marriage' to James was never really a marriage. Next chapter will be in Harry's POV. Hope you liked this chapter! Smile always because someday all the happiness in the world will go away.

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