Another Baby

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So this chapter is for jasonsnow648 because him and Jacob haven't been in the story for so long, I bet you guys forgot about them. Anyways... this chapter is in Jason's pov until I switch it over to Jacob's pov. To the chapter!!!

Jason's pov

Its been five months of pain and misery. Jacob helps with a lot of things but the one thing he can't help out with is the pain.

"Jay, do you want something to eat? How about a grilled cheese sandwich?" Jacob asked.

"Do I have to? I'm not really that hungry right now." I said in a monotonous voice.

"Jay, you have to eat something. Even if it's a few crackers. At least eat something." He tried to persuade me. I let him win.

"Fine. A grilled cheese would be ok. And maybe some pumpkin juice." I said, not looking up from the floor.

"Ok. Just think, in a couple days, we're going to be parents!" He said as he walked to the kitchen. Yeah, parents. I thought. A couple minutes later he came back with a tray that had a grilled cheese and a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Thanks, Jake." I said.

"Welcome." I mindlessly ate half of the sandwich and drank a few sips of juice before deciding that I was full and wanted to go to sleep. I got up off the couch, and I guess a little to quickly because the world started to spin and then all of the sudden, everything went black.

Jacob's pov

Oh no. What the fuck just hapened? I jumped up off the couch and picked him up and started to run towards the hospital wing.

"Madame Pomfrey! Madame Pomfrey where are you?" I screamed as I walked in the door.

"For the love of Merlin! Why are you screaming?" She then saw Jason's limp body in my arms.

"Put him down on the bed here." She said. I laid him down and she told me so back up. She then started to run diagnostic spells.

"Its time for the baby to come." She said not looking up from his body. She started chanting something in Latin and then his torso was cut open. I couldn't watch the rest, in fear that I would faint or throw up. Then not even a minute later, I heard a baby start to cry.

"Congratulations, it's a beautiful baby girl." She said. She wrapped up the baby in a pink blanket and pit her in a bed like thing beside Jason's bed. I looked up, and saw her pale and stricken with worry.

"Jacob, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Was the only thing she said.

"But I -"

"Enough! Go, before I can't do anything to your husband, and he will die." She half screamed. I got up and ran out of the room, coking on my sobs. I punched the wall a couple times and put my back against the wall, and slid down.

He's going to die, and there's nothing I can do about it. I thought.

Cliffhanger!!! Hope you liked the chapter and love you all!!!

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