Why Are You So Distant, Harry?

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It has been way too long since I wrote a new chapter in this book. I have had major writer's block and I am sorry. But today, at New Year's dinner, a VERY good idea came to me while I was eating. Hope you enjoy!!!


A month later
Draco's pov

"Harry. We need to talk." I said, confidently.

"What is it now, Draco!? I'm very busy if you can't see that already." He said. I choked back tears.

"Harry, you've been acting so weird lately. You won't hold the baby, or even hold me anymore. We haven't touched each other in a month, and quite frankly, you've paid more attention to your work than to our family. To me." I said.

"Piss off." He said, then took a swig of fire whiskey. He put the bottle down, and I grabbed it.

"What the fuck?! How dare you!" He said and tried to grab it back, but stumbled and fell on his face. I ran to the kitchen and poured it out. I replaced it with a sober up potion and gave it back.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He said. I watched him drain the rest of the bottle, and he quickly sobered up.

"Harry." I said.

"Yeah Draco?" He said, suddenly not drunk.

"Can we please make love? We haven't in over a month, and we'll, I'm a little horny.." I said.

"Draco, I really would love to, but all these essays to grade and the kids and, well, I'm tired." He said.

"Fine. I'll go feed the baby." I walked out of the study and into the nursery.

"At least I still have you baby boy." I cooed. I wish Harry would stop working so much...

2 days later
Harry's pov

"Draco, I have to go for a while. I just need to go and clear my head." I said.

"You always do this! We discuss our problems, and you always leave! I am so sick, and tired of you running away like a girl! If you were man enough, you'd realize your mistakes and apologize!" He said.

"Well maybe we wouldn't have any problems if you would actually work instead of taking care of children. I told you that we could get a babysitter and you could actually work!" I yelled back.

This is it. I'm done! I thought.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I told him.

"Tomorrow!?" He asked. But I didn't answer, I just walked out the door.

Snape's pov

Its been a month since Harry told me to try to have a child with Lily. I never told her the idea, but I know she really wants a baby...

"Lily, can we talk?" I asked.

"Of course." She answered.

"I was thinking the other day, and I know how much you want a baby. So, if we can't adopt, the only option is to try. Lily can we at least try?" I asked. She just looked at me for a minute.

"Severus, we are much older now. There could be complications. The child could be stillborn, or have mental disabilities. But I do want a baby, badly. I think we could at least give it a try." She said. She was also right.

"Let's go." I said.

"Go where?" She asked.

"To try."

Same day
Anonymous pov

"Oh Harry! Are you alright?" I asked.

Yeah, -----, I'm okay. Draco and I had another row tonight." He said glumly.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" I asked, running my hands through his unruly black hair. He didn't say anything, but just kissed me instead. I kissed him back, deeper and longer. We kissed for a minute or so, then I broke the kiss for air.

"Continue in the bedroom?" He asked. I bit my lip very sexy like and grabbed his hand. I led him to my room, where we continued right where we left off...

Draco's pov

Tomorrow!? He is coming back tomorrow! He is really pissing me off, and I don't know where he is, or what he's doing. Severus started crying, so I made him a bottle and went to the nursery. Then Lily started screaming.

Where. In. The. Fuck. Is. Harry.

Ooooo. Drama!!!!! So this was my idea, and I went with it. I do want y'all to know that there will only be 5 or 6 chapters left before this book is finished... Hope you liked this chapter and I promise I'll update tomorrow.

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