25. Another perspective

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Aera's pov

I look out my window , gazing at the star's twinkling brightly in the sky. The air's cold but it doesnt bother me. I wrap my arms around myself and keep admiring the starry night. The thoughts that occupy me , let me just think about them this time.

The questions i avoid , the questions that have always been left unanswered. But tonight i got an answer to one. The love that was unrequited, returned with the truth.

Uncle sim killed my parents , ruined my childhood, ruined my love , put his son into misery , left his wife's respect at stake if the news comes out and lastly he killed an innocent soul , a mere kid.

It's too much to process in just a small span of time. I sigh trying to ease my tense self. But then my eyes divert to the roses jake bought me. The roses are now kept in vase on my side table with the dim light of the night lamp above it.

Those flowers once brought me only comfort but today they did give me comfort but with it i felt a mix of emotions within me. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and look outside again , smiling at the sky.

Out of no where , two big arms snake around my waist trapping me in their hold. I flinch at the touch but calm down when i hear Sunghoon's voice . "Hey , it's me , nothing to be scared off" i sigh but end up giggling by how i got scared. "Arent you cold , sweet heart?"

"A lit- wait ? Sweetheart?" I tilt my head to look back at him but he just grins playfully. "So what? Dont you like it?" I just look away knowing the blush creeping on my face. " i didnt say that , it's just .... It kinda caught me off guard since i dont get called by that name" i mutter making him laugh .

"I think i can call you by any sweet name since your my girlfriend now" he states the fact and i nod my head at his sentence . He leans closer to my ear and whispers "i can call you mine , right rose?" His voice send deep shivers down my spine and i slightly push him away. "Stoppp you flirt" i cover my face making him laugh even more . "Ok ok" he grabs the cardigan placed on my rack and puts it around my shoulder.

I give him a warm smile and put my head on his shoulder when he wraps his arms round my shoulder. Being with Sunghoon has been a comfort for me , he's done his best everytime and i think i wont regret giving him a chance ever...

"Rose" i hum in response and he asks "are you alright?" I look away from the sky instead i look at him who's now looking at me , his eyes filled with concern. I give him a small smile "yes i am why'd you ask?"

"Since jake came back you know, he confessed the truth , are you okay after hearing all that?" Of course i wasnt okay hearing the most unexpected news but it couldnt be helped because the damage was already done.

"I think it'll take time to digest the fact that my own mothers bestfriend pulled such a cruel act , the reason still unknown but nothing can be done about it now , aside from the fact that i'll never be able to forgive uncle sim for what he's done" i feel sad all over again , my body going numb thinking of all the possibilities of why he could have killed my parents.

In no time , Sunghoon engulfs me in his embrace, securely wrapping his arms around me. "It'll be fine aera, you and your parents will get justice , sim will pay for his sins since jake isnt stepping back any time soon until every things been settled. You'll get through this , just be strong" he kisses my forehead assuring me.

His words bring comfort to me but the fear still lingers in my heart.

'Just what could have made you kill the people i adored'

'I want to know .... I need to know'


Yeonjun's povs

The bar , extremely crowded , the music bustling and the smell of alcohol everywhere as i make my way upstairs. There he sits , smoking with a woman hovering over him more like seducing him. He just smiles at her tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Ahem you asked for me" i approach him with a rather annoyed look and he simply stares at me before whispering something to the woman who eyes me and walks away. "Right , have a seat" he points to the seat infront of him. I sit waiting for him to speak. He pours me a shot of vodka encouraging me to drink it with him.

The glasses clink and we both gulp down the bitter alcohol which burns our throats. "Are you keeping an eye on jake" he leans back on the seat , inhaling the smoke and blowing it up in the air. The tension between us could be felt by every guard in the room. "Yes , i am , he's currently living under the same roof as choi aera and the rest of his friends" i bring my glass closer to him as he pours another shot.

"Seems like he's again planning to save her , but it's fine he wont be the hero for long" he smirks making me arch my eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?" He grins and gulps down the shot in one go . He wipes his mouth with the napkin and says "i've got a better plan but for that we need time and you need to keep an eye on jake all the time" his voice stern and cold as ice but doesnt bother me.

"What about me then?" I nonchalantly ask him gulping down my shot. He raises his eyebrows in question , clasping his hands resting his elbows on his knees . " you know , the killer of my parents" i lean back in my chair crossing my arms over my chest boring holes into his soul but he doesnt budge either.

Over the years i learned to maintain such a demeanor. First of i was scared of him but i grew used to his presence and promise to find the killer but he was always busy with finding a way to kill aera. Not to mention my own friend but things happen. "We will work on that later i need to fini-" i slam my hands in the table , the anger in me fuming .

"Just what do want!? How long do i have to wait kim byunjoo!?" I yell at him and his guards point his guns at me. He looks at me in silence for a while before signaling his guards to lower the weapons. "Speak all you want yeonjun but a deal is a deal , once you're done with this job we will focus on your mission".

"How long are you planning to fool me in order to delay it" i grit my teeth while he takes a step forward , standing inches away from my face . He leans closer to my ear and whispers "you do realize without my help you wont be able to do that , so cut that attitude of yours if dont want to make me angry right now" he leans back  smiling this time.

Oh i wish i could just punch that face and make blood ooze out of his nose . "You can take your leave or else there are plenty of things to do here" he smirks and walks inside the room infront of him.

I grip my hair in frustration and kick the chair before finally going out of the club and getting in the car. I need to work on my own now that i get he's of no help. Last time i saved aera from getting shot , this time i dont know if i can do anything but i can try since his roots lead me to the truth of my parents death.

'Once i find the killer , I'll deal with you later byunjoo'


I know this is short since i was really tried and sleep while writing this and slept without posting last night 😭 3 more days before i take a break from wattpad for exams then i'll see you guys until then .

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