The Dark Table

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Many individuals gathered around at a really long table. They chatted along with each other, saying their hellos before an important meeting.

One of the most important figures of this world's government was sitting at the table, eating her shortcake with her legs crossed. "What is this meeting about?" She asked the person beside her, currently the President of Russia.

"It's about the prophecy, or so what I heard. I didn't hear about the details."

"Oh right, how's that poor bastard Lebardy doing? You sent him on an errand yesterday."

"He's still scared and afraid of what happened three years ago. Letting the MTF roam around his branch non-stop, scaring researchers away. He still hasn't gone over it yet." She described with a honeyed voice.

"Poor bastard. It's a good thing those rascals from the CSK went missing right after that incident."

The person beside the President of Russia butted in. "How's Branch 19 doing, Mr. President? More specifically, 00?" He asked cheerfully.

"He's adapting too well. As expected of the man from the prophecy. I sent him on his first experiment in Branch 23 and came back successful."

"Already? I heard that Lebardy just sent him on a mission in Paris two days ago. Give him a break and let him roam around the world."

"A doctor will get rusty when not exposed in experiments."

"I suppose that's true. Pretty surprising coming from someone who doesn't have any experience." He mocked the man, sipping his wine while leaning on his chair.

"It's always the same, whether in being a doctor or a politician, small twink."

"Come on now Mr. President, don't be so riled up. I was just joking around."

"Alright." A small girl that looks like a toddler inserted herself between the two. "Stop this nonsense, you two. The meeting is about to start. All 100 people are here." She sat at the empty chair beside the President.

"Sending your puppets again, Miss Angela? Do you not know how to come here personally?"

"I am busy at home trying to get my children to calm down. I have 5 kids running around with dangerous chemicals. Why not fly here to Japan and come help me?"

"You let your kids run around with nuclear chemicals?"

"You don't understand. I literally left them for 5 minutes, and this is what I'm greeted with. I already dressed up for the meeting." Their conversation was interrupted by a huge holographic screen opening in the middle of the table.

"Welcome to M5000. We are gathered here today in order to discuss the recent events around the world. Recently, we have detected activities from the cult CSK in Northern Africa." It showed a bunch of corpses piled up together with a magic circle written on the side.

"The CSK? They have resurfaced?"

"This is indeed evidence that the prophecy left behind by the individuals before us, were indeed real. It happened at the same exact time when SCP-00 was awakened."

"All of us on this Earth have numbered days left then. The prophecy mentions him saving the universe, but it doesn't mention him saving this world." Almost everyone gulped at the realization.

"That means all our saved up wealth and power were for nothing." The woman from earlier snickered, still getting a bite from her cheesecake.

"Wait wait, just because it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean that it's eventually the end. This world is fodder compared to the universe. Perhaps it wasn't important enough to mention." Murmurs spread across the table.

"Alright, y'all. Calm down, calm down. I was planning on taking him to Japan tomorrow. I'll convince him to try and save this world along the way." Angela suggested.

"Tell us if you can't do it. I'm gonna go visit him next."

"Apologies for the late response." The hologram spoke. "Before you leave, I would advise you to stay on your guard and survey your surroundings. Our enemy has been quite vicious lately." It showed a huge list of people missing from each company. "Although it was not confirmed earlier, we now have a reason to believe that CSK has taken over all of these companies. We have received data of their activities these last three years from our enemies' databases. I believe that what happened to Branch 53 three years ago was their attempt at infiltrating SCP Labs." It showed the incident where Keter and Euclid-class SCPs ran amok the building and caused chaos beside the minions of CSK.

"That incident took a huge blow in our budget." One of the ladies on the far end of the table spoke as she played around with her seafood pasta. "I still remember having to convince Doctor Krankov to constantly pull all-nighters in order to produce amnestics. I hope the same thing doesn't happen again."

"Seeing as Avery risked his life for the world, shouldn't we all agree to finally work together? The end is nigh, why not do something for the world?" One of the men at the other end of the table said.

"As if, boy!"

"Yeah, we have our own lives to live!"

"Now now, don't get too riled up, it's just a suggestion, right Lucas? Honestly, I agree with him." The man beside Angela commented.

"Shut yer trap! You scheming bastards are up to something!"

"Exactly! You guys are known to scheme behind the scenes!"

"--Cough--We still have more important topics to discuss. Please focus on the meeting." The hologram said. "Recently, our researchers have discovered how to breathe in space. In case the world collapses, humanity must have any kind of escape route. This also means that we need to quickly build a travelling system to other nearby habitable planets."

"If you ask me, even with the whole world's budget combined, it's not gonna be enough."

"There's also no anomaly in our arsenal that's powerful enough to make this work. This project is nothing but a pipe dream right now."

"But what if there is?" Everyone looked at Lucas like he was crazy.

"And who is that gonna be?"

He smirked, sending sharp glances to everyone. "Doctor Avery Krankov."

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