Tokyo Shenanigans

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"Boys, see those street vendors? We'll make sure to try them all!"

"Doc, we're full already!"

"Fine, let's buy some souvenirs instead. What would Doctor Lebardy want in his office?" He rambled to himself on and on and bought a lot of random things. "I need some clothes as well, t-shirts and jeans are too plain." He walked around aimlessly until he found a clothing store.

"Doc, this place is too expensive, one shirt will cost you your entire balance." Daniel advised, but Jack went in anyway.

He felt a sudden change in the atmosphere, like he was about to enter a forest.

"Fancy meeting you here, Doctor Jack Bright." A girl with green hair and eyes turned to Jack. She looks like she was shopping for a kimono.

"You must be?" She's a higher up, isn't she?

"My name is Phyllis Xavier, in charge of the Indian Branch. I heard that you'll be working with the blueprints for the project." Blueprints??? Why are they putting me in charge of that?

"I haven't heard of that."

"Don't worry, Doctor Bright. We know you'll do great. Have more confidence!"

"Uh yeah, sure." They're completely shoving the work to me!

"I see you're shopping with your soldiers. Allow me to treat you all for today." She lead us to the men's aisle. "Have fun shopping! You five can buy as many as you want!"

"Thank you, Madam Phyllis."

"Don't worry, I'm honored to be serving you today." Being treated like this feels so weird.

Jack and the rest got to try so many expensive clothes and managed to buy a bag each.

"We gotta treat doc someday, it's thanks to him that we managed to score these much expensive clothes."

"What did you say?" Jack turned to them with a mischievous grin.

"On second thought, maybe he doesn't need it."

"Oh come on, what did I do?"



"I'm glad you're having fun." Phyllis showed up at the cashier. "Do you have any other plans for today?"

"I'm just exploring Tokyo as much as I can." Jack turned to her, handing his bag to the counter.

"I see, I hope you had fun. Many others would be exploring around the area as well, so make sure to bump into them if you want something free."

"That sounds shameless!" She laughed for a little bit.

"It was nice meeting you. Then, I'll go now to meet someone else."

"Thank you for the treat again, Madam Phyllis." The cashier summed their price up and swiped Phyllis's card before giving the team their bags.

"No worries. I'll treat you again if I get the chance." She left, leaving the team on their own again.

"Doctor, we really should meet them!" Pedro joked around.

"Nah, I'm pretty tired. Let's just go get some snacks that we can take back. Before that, I think we should deal with those hooligans outside." Jack pointed to a nearby rooftop where a sniper is ready to shoot.

"They've been following us for quite a while now. Not only that, there are people following us on the ground as well." Daniel replied. 

"There's at least 30 of them following us. I guess we can't avoid some confrontation." Pedro handed Jack a machine gun with specialized ammo.


"At 35.69, 139.70. At least 30 CSK, blended with the crowd. Over." James called for backup.

"At least we don't have to fight them all." Jack sighed loudly. 

"Excuse me, are you Doctor Jack Bright?" An MTF soldier entered the shop, greeted by the store cashier.

"Yes." He pointed a gun at Jack, only to be shot by Pietro at the back of his neck. The people inside the store were startled. 

"Dang, these guys are cunning, pretending as one of our own!" Pedro angrily kicked the guy's dead body.

"Pedro, have some respect. The people around are spooked enough already." Pietro warned.

"You're expecting me to show some respect to a disgusting guy who literally pretended to be one of us?"

"Pedro." The rest of the team turned to Jack. "This place will soon be a battlefield. We should focus ahead and try not to die." His soldiers swallowed their saliva, seeing such a cold and empty expression on a usually happy-go-lucky guy.

"Don't worry doc, we're DTF soldiers. We can do this." Daniel declared, loading his gun.

"Good work, team." A team of MTF soldiers arrived and immediately escorted all civilians inside the shop. "I am Sergeant Kishiro from the Military Task Force." He provided an ID, making the team sigh in relief.

"I am Commander Daniel from the Direct Task Force." He presented his ID in return. "I believe we requested a back up."

"We received your request. As of now, we have seen five snipers pointing your way. We are currently apprehending them." Pedro kicked the body in front of the sergeant.

"Be careful, these guys are pretty cunning. Make sure that no one managed to disguise as a citizen." The sergeant confirmed the man's identity with his special glasses.

"Indeed. This man is from CSK. We'll make sure to be on high alert. Please evacuate to the safe area provided by our team. It's by the cross section."

"Alright, we'll be on our way." Daniel lead the way while the rest surrounded Jack protectively.

Once they stepped outside the store, countless MTFs patrolled the area and are either keeping an eye out or busy rescuing the citizens.

"I knew this would happen, but I really feel bad seeing the city in this state." Jack inserted his hands on his pocket.

"Don't blame yourself, doc. You just wanted to have a taste on the outside world. We can tell that this is your first time having this much fun outside." Daniel reassured him, but he didn't really feel any better.

"We can't have this everyday now, can we? I guess I'll stay put in these next two weeks."


As soon as they turn right, two men were right in front of them with their guns pointed right at Jack. Like reflex, all of them pointed their guns at the two.

"Shoot, run!" The two turned away and ran, only to be shot at the back of their necks. Strangely, they dissipated, leaving not a single trace behind.

"What? What just happened?" The soldiers left their positions and searched the area.

"Boys, calm down. They're gone." They listened and turned to Jack. They knew that Jack knows something they don't.

"Doc? What happened to them?"

"They... They sold their souls to their king." The team gasped in shock.

"That sounds horrible!"

"Why would they do that?"

"Who knows."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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