The Underlying Danger

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"Hey, have you seen that? He treated her like a higher up!"

"Is that little girl a higher up?" Murmurs spread across the cafeteria, and it soon turned into chaos when MTFs were forced to shut them up.

"Hey, you there!" One of the researchers called. The MTF in question approached them.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, you guys sometimes go to the meetings, right? Was that girl a higher-up?"

"I'm sorry but I don't know. I'm kinda new here and everyone's mouths are shut."

"You too, huh. Alright, thanks." The MTF soldier went back to his position. The leader squadron then entered the scene.

"Good afternoon, boys! Good work, now reconvene and report the situation." The leader squadron gathered all MTFs in one area, which is right beside the building. "Have any of you noticed the symptoms in the researchers?"

"Sir, yes sir!" The whole team answered.

"Good, now let's go to the Phase 2 of the plan left by Doctor Avery."

"Sir, yes sir!" They all drew their guns and ran back to the cafeteria.

The doctors seated and chatting immediately noticed the aggression and intent that the MTFs were giving off, making everyone in the area nervous.

Without warning, bullets suddenly started flying as dozens of bodies dropped on the floor.

"NOW!" An MTF threw something on the ground, rendering every witness unconscious. The soldiers watched as they all drop one by one. The rest then retrieved all the bodies and carried them to the basement of the building.

"Doctor Avery!" The leader greeted her by saluting.

"How's everything going?" She asked, examining the cafeteria.

"Everything is going smoothly. Anyway, why do we need to wait for Doctor Bright to leave?"

"He is immune to amnestics. He's also new here, and I don't want that kind of welcome." The leader squadron took a mental note and nodded.

"I see."

"Then how's everything else? Did you clean up the mess outside?" She was referring to the people infected outside of the company.

"Yes, doctor. Everything was taken care of smoothly. Oh yeah, Doctor Angela was here earlier and took Doctor Bright to the White House."

"A higher up?" The leader nodded, making Avery rest her chin on her hand. "She probably invited uncle to go to Japan and take part in the upcoming project."


"No, nothing. I'm packing my things now, so make sure everything ends smoothly. We don't want that virus getting out and causing chaos."

"Yes, doctor."

"Good." She left hurriedly, making the leader a bit antsy.

Is everything alright now? Can I finally get up? A researcher slightly opened their eyes and closed it shut once again after seeing an MTF crawling around and carrying the person beside him away.

No, I can't do it yet. I need to calm down. It's already thanks to my luck that I'm alive. Still, why did they do this? I've never heard of the MTF killing their own kind before! A corrupt higher up? Was it that kid earlier? Maybe Doctor Avery? Or perhaps, they're in cahoots. He was stunned for a while after the realization.

Corrupt, huh? They won't see me coming. Just you wait, I'll bring everyone to justice. He waited for everyone to go away before getting up and nudging everyone awake.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are we all asleep on the floor?" Confusion arose the area, alerting the soldiers nearby.

"So many people just died, did you not notice?" He told the people on his table.

"What people? Everyone is here?"

"What are you talking about? Have you gone nuts?"

"Doctor Siwon just died!"

"Who the hell is that?" He stepped back as he glanced at everyone, fear seeping in his body.

"Nothing, I'm going." He ran away from the cafeteria and hurried to his office.

The powdery gas that they released before, what the hell is that? Is it why they don't remember anything? He opened his computer and scanned his clearance, opening a secret program exclusive to SCP Labs.

He then searched for a powdery gas in the Item Category. He was surprised when something appeared.


"What? A Level 5 Clearance?" He then fished for a stolen clearance in his pocket. The one that Doctor Siwon owned. He scanned it and the program restarted.

Alright, let's see if there any kind of useful information. He took a deep breath, typing out the word 'Amnestics'. As expected, it appeared and the warning is finally gone, replaced by a whole documentation explaining the whole history, types and uses of the item.

He read the whole thing, horrified of the company and what they have done for centuries. His hands were shaking a lot, and his sweat was noticeably staining his coat.

He scrolled enough to see the comments for the file and noticed a certain comment left by Doctor Avery.

There's currently a vicious virus going around in the main Branch 19. Oh boy do we need more of these. 

The word 'vicious virus' was embedded with a link, and he was compelled to click it. He was then sent to another document, explaining the virus, how it works, and it's origins.

He laughed at his own mistake in embarrassment. "I see, so that's how it is." He accepted his fate as his vision slowly turned red and pain seeped throughout his brain, yet he didn't succumb and took a deep breath. "How dare I doubt the Last Bastion of Humanity."

Instead of being angry, he weirdly felt solemn. He recalled the moments where he achieved feats by feats in the company, moments where he and his colleagues went on vacations, and finally, his family. They will forget his existence.

Speaking of existence, doctors with a Level 5 Clearance and above are burdened with remembering our existence. It must have been really hard.

"Doctor Gephan." He turned to the door and raised both his hands.

"Took you long enough." He closed his eyes, yet he can hear the soldier waver with his gun audibly shaking. "Come on, this is for the world. Do not hesitate." The soldier swallowed a lump in his throat and shot him right in the head.

The soldier took a deep breath. "Geez, talk about a stroke of luck. He's the first person to last this long against us." They both saluted to the doctor before carrying him towards the basement.

"Oh, Doctor Avery!" The two soldiers greeted her, still carrying Doctor Gephan.

"You two! Are they the last one?" She glanced at the body and frowned. Doctor Gephan was smiling.

"Yes, he managed to survive thanks to both wits and luck, and managed to steal a clearance from Doctor Siwon."

"Typical. That's my student, alright." So he saw the comment I left in the file. I left it there in case something like this happened. I'm glad he died in the pursuit of knowledge and became content with his life. She sighed before pulling her luggage with her. "I'll get going now. Take care of Branch 19 for me!"

The soldiers saluted in return. "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"

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