The Hall of Gods

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Upon the next day, the twins were the ones in charge of following Jack with his whims.

Jack was planning to walk around Tokyo and spend half of his credit balance.

"Good morning, Doctor Bright." The team was greeted by Lucas and his bodyguards.

"Oh hey, fancy meeting the esteemed Lucas Highbiman!" Another guy approached his table in the distance. "Oh? you must be Doctor Jack Bright. Nice to finally meet you! I'm Griseo Valleria, in charge of managing the California Branch." So he's a higher up as well.

"Good morning, nice to meet you." The two men sat right in front of Jack.

"So, I heard you managed to seal the leader of CSK." Griseo started.

"You were watching?"

"Of course, and here I was wondering about your plan. Well, if it wasn't for Doctor Bright here keeping him at bay, we wouldn't be able to obtain him."

"Now that you think about it, this guy is useful, after all." Lucas fished for the small clock in his pocket and threw it to Griseo. "Give this guy to Angela, she will be delighted to have a new research subject."

"Forgive me for butting in, but what's there to research about?" Jack asked.

"You mean this guy? He's the leader of CSK, of course there's much to research. For example, the origin of his powers." Griseo answered.

"Yes, we've been fighting this faction for thousands of years." Lucas added.

"Since this guy worships the SK, it's only natural that his powers originate from SK itself. Although he's weak, he did display stronger version of the powers that the rest of CSK would have." The group started eating the hotel lobby food.

"That does sound reasonable. But still, he would be quite a resource to us since we want to know how exactly a worshipper inherits their God's power."

"This information would be valuable to us since we higher-ups all used to be Gods."

Excuse me? "Used to be Gods?"

"Indeed, Doctor Bright. This world used to be ruled by thousands of Gods back in the day." All the bodyguards who were listening were shook to the core.

"What happened?"

"Well, everything was fine and peaceful until SK's followers entered this planet."

"They killed all of us again and again, and that's how we became this weak." Lucas formed a fist and stared at it.

"Indeed. Most of the Gods lost their memories and became human, and the only Gods left in this world are all 100 of us higher-ups."

"We are still Gods, but our lifespans are now no different than any other human being. That's why we need to strengthen ourselves in order to keep existing."

"I get it now, so you want that guy in order to learn about returning to your former selves as well as give the rest of humankind your powers."

"How perceptive." Griseo complimented. "Not only that, but we also want to learn everything about SK. That's why he's such a valuable research subject."

"Well, from my planet, SK was capable of making people pregnant through intense worshipping and birthing countless monstrosities with different abilities. Perhaps its abilities are endless."

"That's quite..."

"How... intriguing..."

"What? It's still valuable, am I right?" The two sighed and continued eating with no appetite, while Jack was secretly grinning.

"That is true. You're quite a prankster, Doctor Bright."

"Still, it happened through worshipping. Perhaps by building connections like that, you will be able to strengthen yourselves and your followers."

"Is it just me, or do I feel a bit stronger than before?" Lucas checked out his arms and removed his gloves.

"Perhaps we already made some kind of connection just by having this conversation. I think we need to spread rumors about you being Gods in order to strengthen your powers."

"That's a good idea. Although we desire to be one with humans, gaining our powers back is essential to save this planet from that monster." Griseo sighed, finishing his food and standing up. "This has been quite a fruitful discussion, thank you for enlightening us, Doctor Bright. We will repay your kindness someday." He stood up, followed by his bodyguards.

"What, you're leaving?" Lucas wore his gloves back.

"I am, we need to share this valuable information with the rest asap. I also plan on giving this guy to Angela today." Griseo tossed the small clock to the air and caught it back.

"Sure, goodbye then. How about you, Doctor Bright? What's your plan for today?"

"I'm just gonna walk around Tokyo with these guys." Jack pointed to his soldiers.

"Have a good day, then. I'm gonna go to America and meet someone else."

"Good luck with your trip, sir!" Lucas finished his food and stood up as well.

"We'll be leaving now." Both Lucas and Griseo left with their bodyguards.

"Guys, you said this world had no Gods and was entirely built by humans!"

"Doc, we didn't know that."

"Yeah, even our ancestors didn't know such beings existed."

"They must have hidden their existence."



Jack chuckled. "Why so tense? I was joking around." The twins sighed deeply.

"Now is now the time, doc. We haven't come into terms with what we heard earlier."

"Pedro, when has he ever listened to our warnings." The both sighed even louder.

"Come on, am I really that hopeless?"

Daniel put himself into the loudspeaker. "Yes, doc."

"To be honest, doc, we wouldn't be surprised if you showed up with a whole family one day for a prank."

"Oh come on, I wouldn't go that far!"

"Pietro, stop giving him ideas." They joked around for the rest of the morning.

After breakfast, the group went back to the hotel room and got ready for strolling around Tokyo, like Jack declared.

"Before we go out, go and prepare some kind of poison bullets, if you have some."

"Poison bullets? What for?"

"Since we captured the leader of CSK, the rest of the faction would be out for blood. But you know, I really want to spend the rest of our two weeks on vacation. I'm just saying that you need your guards up."

"Alright, doc. Roger that."

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