(9) Girl Who Speaks Gibberish

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Season 1, Episode 6: TS-19

October 6th, Day 63

EVERYONE RAN INSIDE, not wasting any time as they saw a man with a machine gun and a girl who was probably Carl's age.

“Anybody infected?” The man asked from the shadows. He didn't exactly look like he had answers, just someone who snuck in when things got bad. Though, he had allowed them inside, so they could at least respect him for now. He must be a good guy.

“One of our group was.” Rick informed him, the gun still raised. “He didn’t make it.”

The stranger stepped forward, moving into the light. “Why are you here? What do you want?”

Rick let out a shaky breath. “A chance.”

“That’s asking an awful lot these days.” The Stranger replied, stepping into the luminous spotlight. Purple and blue rings were around his eyes – why was he exhausted? Wasn't he safe? Even the girl looked awfully exhausted, eyes red and puffy like she's been crying. Why were they so depressed? Why weren't they sleeping?

Rick swallowed anxiously. “I know.”

The stranger tilted his head warily. “You all submit to a blood test. That’s the price of admission.”

Rick curtly nodded and they moved into a separate room to get it done. “We can do that.” Rick assured him.

“You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed.” They immediately grabbed their bags and moved forward.

Rory had stood beside Sophia on the elevator, not feeling comfortable with the two new people, before they went to get their blood taken.

He was a doctor. His name is Doctor Edwin Jenner and his daughter was Nicky Jenner. They were both rather strange, to be honest. They were the only two left, though nobody wished to ask why that was. It was probably personal, though they should have at last said something. The only other thing was voice-controlled called ‘Vi’.

“Ow,” Rory mumbled when Jenner took her blood. She hated needles, they made her nauseous and anxious. But she was willing to suck it up for the sake of being allowed in.

“What happened to your arm?” Jenner asked, eyes scanning the makeshift cast. “It looks painful.”

“I fell,” Rory mumbled, eyes moving towards the girl near the doorway. Jenner sucked at distractions.

“You fell?”


Jenner hummed, glancing at the group. “I have an x-ray and bandages. Any of you know how to do medical stuff?”

“I can,” Carol spoke up, sitting beside Rory. “Where is the equipment?”

“Do you have any training?”

“I am a mother and I've had to deal with broken bones before. I've practiced.”

Jenner nodded and pointed to some equipment in the corner, and then stood up. “Done.”

Rory breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. She immediately walked towards Carol, Sophia following close behind.

Rory looked over at Sophia and grinned, “You were strong.”

“You were too,” Sophia smiled softly, folding her arms. “But now your arm…”

“It's alright.”

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