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I stand beside the white Range Rover patiently waiting on the others to turn up. The first person to arrive was Louis, unsurprisingly, with Liam and Niall trailing closely behind while Harry was still yet to be found.

"Why were you guys running?" I ask Louis. He takes a moment to catch his breath before answering.
"They lock the doors at quater to ten and the staff don't really care if you get locked in or not." He aimlessly pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the exit door.

"Didn't they lock Harry in one night?" Niall approached us, tossing a set of keys back and forth in his hands.
"Yep. Where is he?" Louis peaked over his shoulder, Harry walking through the doors a moment later.

Liam looked over the top of the car.
"Who's driving?" He looked back and forth between us.

When did he get over there?

Niall stopped tossing the keys, holding them up as Liam shook his head.
"Anyone but you." His head disappeared, then walked around the front of the car.

"And why's that?" Niall asked in an annoyed tone.
"Because last time you drove a car you left it in the middle of an intersection." Liam took the keys from his hand.

"While playing Coldplay at full volume." Harry added, now standing beside Niall.
"Well I was drunk okay?" Niall put his hands up in defense.

"That doesn't change the fact that you won't be driving." Louis said as Liam handed him the keys.

Louis unlocked the car, getting in the front seat. "Where are we going?" He asked as the rest of us piled in the car.

Liam had taken the front seat, while Harry, Niall and I compacted in the backseats.

"Just find a club or bar on Google Maps and go there." Niall shrugged, the rest of us putting seatbelts on.

Liam pulled out his phone, searching through it for a second before showing Louis the directions.

I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, seeing multiple messages from Harper.

Harper: Have you met the band yet?

Harper: What are they like?

Harper: Are you ignoring me?

Harper: Pick up your phone!

I lightly chuckle as I scroll through 100s of other messages, some threatening to fly out to Seattle and others yelling at me for ignoring my phone.

Cameron: sorry I had my phone on mute.

I turned the 'do not disturb' off and set the phone face down in my lap, looking up and seeing the car had started moving.

I almost immediately got a message back from Harper.

Harper: Well don't leave your phone on mute.

Harper: Now answer my question!

Cameron: Harry, Liam and Louis are all nice I guess.

Harper: You guess? what about Niall?

I look back up from my phone, looking ahead at the car stopping at a red light.

Cameron: when I first met him he acted rude but it was probably a lack of sleep from the plane ride over.

Harper: I'll need an update on that later. what're you doing now?

Cameron: going to a bar I think.

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