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Harry Styles

I'm surprised the boys and I haven't been to jail yet.

Especially because there are so many people that could've tipped us off to the police; just they haven't because we've dealt with them before they could say anything.

Which is what we're doing now.

Yesterday our guitarists came to us and said they knew everything and were about to phone the police. So Liam took their phones and hid them.

Now that I'm thinking about it, a lot happened yesterday.

We knew we couldn't...deal with them while we were still in Minneapolis because J had given us a limit of two people per city and, well, we've already shipped someone to London and killed another.

The boys and I held a brainstorming session while we locked the guitarists in a bathroom.

The only thing that was really difficult about it was figuring out how we were travelling them from Minneapolis to Madison is Wisconsin.

Niall came up with the idea of getting one of our mates to drive him over so we'd meet them at our next stop. So we called Michael and asked him to, but for some reason his whole group always has to go together, under J's rules.

So that's how we ended up here.

We're in a dimly lit hallway with Michael, Ashton, Calum and Luke standing infront of us.

"Where's your car?" I asked as I held the shoulders of one of our guitarists. We -nicely- threatened them with their life to not tell anyone about us for tonight's show, which they helplessly agreed to.

They were gonna die anyway, whether they listened or not.

Then after the show we rushed them out and put them in the boot of the car we'd be driving back to the hotel, then returned back into the stadium so it looked like we never left. That was also when we let Kathy know we'd need new guitarists.

Once we got to the hotel, Kaitlyn and Cameron went to their rooms to pack up their stuff, while we took the guitarists out of the trunk and led them down the hallway where we now stood.

"It's parked the furthest spot from the front doors," Ashton replied to my question and I nodded at him.

"Well, we'll let you take these two and we'll meet you at the stadium in Madison tomorrow morning. 9 a.m." Louis, who was holding the other guitarist, let go of his shoulders so Calum could hold him by the arm. I did the same and handed him to Luke.

"See you then." Michael nodded at us before the four of them turned around and started walking down the hallway. Ashton stopped and turned on his heels before jogging up to us.
"Two things,"

"Make it quick, Irwin, we haven't got much time." Niall waved his hand in a circular motion.

"Firstly, what have you told Kathy? About the guitarists?"

"We briefly told her after the show that they quit- she didn't question anything." I told Ashton as he nodded along.

"Okay, have you heard from Andy, Jake, Jinxx, CC or Lonny? None of them have been answering our calls or messages."

Louis chuckled as he shook his head before answering. "They won't be replying for a while mate."

Ashton looked puzzled. "...Why?"

"J needed them to break someone out of jail for him. His name was Ashley or something? Long story short, an officer got a clear enough photo of Jake's face so they're changing their identities again while hiding for about a month."

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