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Gheata and Dracula in the picture above


Maybe I should've brought Kayla with me

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Maybe I should've brought Kayla with me. Leaving her pregnant and all alone had me worry a bit but I knew she'd be okay.

What could my mother want me and her to talk about so late it's 9 something and I should be in bed with my girlfriend but no. My jaw clenched at the reminder of the inconvenience she caused.

2 minutes to 10 I parked at my mom's house and sighed as I got out. She met me at the door which made me lift a brow but brushed it off as we hugged one another.

I rolled my eyes right before we pulled away. "Again I'm sorry for keeping you up but I promise you that it's important."

Business has to be about that and if it is she better make it quick. She led me inside and sat on the couch. I sat down shortly after and made it known on my face that I was bored.

She kept smiling and I just blew up then and there. "Mom, cut the bullshit what did you want to talk about?!"

She didn't flinch but her smile dropped and she just wore no expression. "Fine, I'll tell you. Remember when Liz told you about our family curse well it comes with a sacrifice."

I sat back in the chair waiting for more. "What kinda sacrifice?"

"Human sacrifice." With that I stood up to leave and the next thing I knew I felt as if I couldn't move. "What did you do to me?"

"Stopping you from leaving now listen here, son. I brought you from the Cafe to my house so I could convince you to join our cult for the mother of hell. If you don't agree there will be consequences."

My eyes widened as my heart pounded in my chest. So my entire family is a part of this cult and I thought it was just Aunt Liz.

"The consequences are the lives of your friends and their little angel friend Gabriel."

Is Gabriel an angel?

"So what will it be Justin your family or your soon-to-be-dead friends?" I could tell she was smirking.

Janet and the others have gone through so much and this would make it no better so to protect her, especially my pregnant girlfriend I must separate myself from them but how can I do that without telling them it's because of a cult?

"You don't have to lie to them tell them the truth they'll understand." She released me from the paralysis spell making me fall. "Now that I got you on my side do you want to hear how this all started?"

I look up at her and nod as she helps me up. "Okay, so it all started in 1450 when the creator of this cult leader Gheata was just 16 years old in a very poor family."

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