You are the great van Helsing pt 2 finale

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"What the fuck just happened?" Myra's mother asked me while holding onto Myra, who was panicking in bed

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"What the fuck just happened?" Myra's mother asked me while holding onto Myra, who was panicking in bed. I looked out the glass window, seeing nothing but the night sky.

"Something horrible happened," I said, still not fully understanding the situation. Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. I went to open it, letting in Myra's neighbor, who looked pale and shaken.

"Outside is chaos," the neighbor finally spoke, his voice trembling. "Some weird creature started picking up innocent people and throwing them to the ground. It was traumatizing, man."

"Oh God, I hope he still has Scotty," Barry sobbed, attempting to go outside. His wife and I tried to stop him, but he pushed me back. "Keep Myra safe," he whispered, then left. His wife followed behind, telling us to stay inside.

I locked the door and ran to the window by the bed to see what was happening. The scene outside was anything but normal. Inside, my mind was chaotic. "So now that he's gone, tell me why you didn't say anything about Sebastian being all cute," Whitney asked, sounding slightly offended as Myra lay there, worried for her brother. I jerked my head back at the question, and Myra scoffed.

"Whitney now is not a good time to ask me this. Don't you see that I'm scared here!"

"We're all scared," I added, and Myra rolled her eyes at Whitney. "I'm going out there," Myra suddenly said, and I stopped her.

"Don't you dare go out there, Myra? I swear to Christ, if you die, I'll die!" She clenched her jaw, then walked away, totally ignoring what I had just said to her.

"My family is out there, and they need me!"

She had a point, but still. "Myra, just be safe!" I said, easing the tension in the room. Myra nodded and left.

Whitney groaned, and someone banged their hand on the front door, startling us. I ran to the door, checked, and saw Myra with blood all over her hands. A look of horror was plastered on her face. I slowly opened the door, and she looked at us.

"That thing... it just bit Scott and threw him on the road to die."

"Wait, Scott's dead? Like dead?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Well, that's what he gets for killing my boyfriend," Whitney said, and everyone glared at her.

I understood that she loved Sebastian. I mean, I did too, until I found out he was a vampire and just bit someone, and that person will probably become one too.

I sighed and hugged Myra tightly. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Did you see the creature in the sky while coming back?" I asked her as we pulled away.

"No, but I know he's out there."

We drove to the hospital with the ambulance carrying Scott's body and saw two familiar faces that I was happy to see—my parents. Scott was gone, but the police still had weapons ready for an attack.

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