Chapter 3

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I had been sick for the entire week, and during that week,I had somehow become ‘texting buddies’ with the crown prince, Nicholas.

Crown Prince: I'm glad you're feeling better, I will see you later today.

I don't know how it happened, I texted him back that day it rained to thank him for supporting my bakery, and since then we had been texting back and forth.

I had to wonder, we're we now friends? Or was this purely just random that the crown prince was texting me like any normal person?

It didn't feel like he was forcing himself to message me, if anything, he seemed interested in how I was doing, and what kind of things I liked, and from there I lost track of the fact that he was a prince.

It was easy to talk to him, despite only saying a few words to each other when he was buying cakes at my store, it felt like I had somehow gotten to know a side to him that others in the public didn't.

He was surprisingly chill, and thoughtful. 

He would sometimes send me photos of books he was reading, or places he would go to eat, and I noticed that he would always recommend them to me if he liked them.

Of-course I could never afford to eat at the places he ate at, but I had ordered every book he had recommended to me, purely out of curiosity, after all, it's not everyday a prince recommends you a book he had just read.

I found myself looking at my phone more and more since we began messaging each other. 

It felt so odd, almost like I was obsessively waiting for him to reply.

Come Sunday though, all that changed as I was preparing everything for Monday, so I couldn't text as much as we did while I was sick.

My phone buzzed beside the dough, and I saw that it was him, and that he'd sent me a photo.

Opening it, I couldn't help but laugh as the first thing I saw was a giant dog sitting on his lap on what looked like his bed in his bedroom.

I didn't know he had a dog, but then again, he's a very private person unless he was seen with women who were celebrities, other than that, his private life was private.

Crown Prince: Her name is Candy

I snorted at the name and texted back, then went back to kneading the dough, after texting back.

Me: You must really like sweet things to name your dog candy! 

Nicholas had texted me back almost immediately.

Crown Prince: I don't particularly like anything sweet, but lately I have this craving for something sweet.

Crown Prince: There is something I actually would like to ask you tomorrow.

I stare at his recent text and stop what I'm doing to text him back, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Me: If it's important, would you like to ask me now? Im almost done here so I can call if you're free

I waited around for a few minutes, minutes that felt like hours waiting for him to reply back, but after seven minutes, he did text back.

Crown Prince: I rather do this in person.

Huh, so it's really important, I wonder what he wants to ask me?

With that, I texted back an ‘ok’ and that was the end of that, I went back to what I was doing and the entire time I couldn't stop thinking about what it is he wanted to talk to me about.

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