Chapter 4

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“I should also admit… I have felt this way for two weeks now, so if you don't think I'm serious, this is completely new for me and I'll admit, I've never done this before.” He admitted as I noticed one of the bodyguards standing guard outside stopped a customer from coming inside.

What was happening here?

Was he- was the crown prince of England really confessing his… love for me, and openly admitting to watching me for two weeks? ME?

“I don't… understand.” I mumbled out loud, whilst looking anywhere but at his face.

I was not expecting this, this confession… and whilst I should feel grossed out, or disgusted that a man, even a handsome guy like the prince confessed to me, I didn't.

If anything, my heart had not stopped beating rapidly in my chest, almost like it was skipping at the very thought that he of all people was attracted to me.

Still, the question that I only wanted to know remained.

“Why… me?” 

I looked at him nervously, and now hyper aware of his presence and asked him again, despite feeling light headed and nervous beyond comparison.

“Why do you like me?”

“I have multiple reasons why.” He instantly said, without missing a beat, as I watched his lips move.

From the corner of my eye, the bodyguard dismissed another customer, and it was becoming obvious to the other customers that something was happening inside the store, or should I say, who was inside the store.

“I think I've been caught.” Nicholas joked, trying to ease the tense and awkward tension between us.

“Charlie, I would really like to talk to you more about this, preferably somewhere private, and with just the two of us.” He said, making me look at him to see that his cool composure was now crumbing in front of me.

He looked as nervous as I felt inside, only it looked way better on him than it did on me.

“Are you free later?” He asked, as I thought about what he was asking right now.

“I'd like to have dinner with you, if I'm not causing you too much trouble.”

I was a mess inside my head, the more he talked, the more I doubted how I really felt about him, but I couldn't trust my thoughts, it felt as though this was too good to be true, too bizarre to be real.

“Charlie…?” Nicholas reached out and touched me, making me jolt back to the present.

I looked at his face, and it was like the first time I saw him all over again, only now when I looked at him, I admired him, but something more was there, creeping to the surface.

Something I was too afraid to look at.

“I… I don't think that's a good idea.” I forced out, my hands shaking behind the counter as I tried my best to not look away from him.

I had expected Nicholas to give up right there, to thank me for my time and then just walk out the shop like this had never happened, but instead, Nicholas came around the counter and then grabbed hold of my hand, then he pulled me into the back kitchen where nobody would see us.

He let go of my hand, and now stood inches from me.

He was so close I could smell the cologne he wore, it was invading my senses and making me feel completely weak under his gaze as he stood in front of me.

“How about this then.” He spoke after a few moments, making me look up at him to see him smiling down at my face.

“I know this must be shocking for you, believe me, I'm also at a loss for words right now, but I want to explore this feeling without any regrets, but only if you're willing to explore with me.”

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